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athletics, baseball, basketball I worked in the athletic training room and experienced the absolute awfulness that was the baseball and basketball teams. Those boys are so so rude and sexist, would onlyu respectfully talk to the men in the office, and generally made me (a femme) pretty uncomfortable when treating them. The baseball team was always talking about relatively inappropriate things and the basketball boys never respected our authority. The men's teams are a breeding ground for toxic masculinity and no none does anything about it. sure you can be a great athlete, but there's no excuse for creating a giant group of sexist assholes.
faculty, faculty sexism/misogyny professor (RHMS PROFESSOR) is also a sexist pig. i had a class with him in my freshman year and i hated going there. he shut down all the smart women in my class and let men with uninformed thoughts go on and ramble. he was consistently rude and made blatantly sexist and mean comments to studenrts. this guy should be fired.. he is part of the problem
RA, campus life, lack of training I was an RA my senior year, and I had been sexually assaulted by another RA. I never felt comfortable enough to report it and I struggled every time we had our staff meetings. I got extremely depressed and failed a classes. I fell behind in my RA work, but my AD at the time never asked me what was going on or checked in with me. They would only get upset that I wasn't getiting my monthly hall meeting debrief form in. I just really didn't know how to tell my AD, and I don't remember much if any training on what to do if it was a fellow RA or one of the lead RAs. I just shut down
nurse (NURSE), health services Adding to this about (REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH NURSE), I personally have had only bad interactions with her and I refuse to go to the health center anymore. The first time I ever went in there, she showede a lot fo micro aggressions towards me. She asked me what I was and I told her I was hispanic, which led to a very awkward and uncomfortable talk about a mexican nanny she used to know. The second time i went in there was for an STD check, she asked how many partners I'd had in the past month and when I told her the number she said something alont the lines of "Have less partners and you won't need to get tested." I don't remember what she said word for word but it was something like that and made me feel like shit. I was being shamed for getting an STD test, something necessary to keep myself healthy and safe. I've never reported any of these incedents because of how I've seen LC handle other situations. SI've also heard a lot about her misgendering people even after being corrected. Alsojust to add, she's terrible at actually providing health care to students. I was sick for the first three months of school. Within a few weeks of starting school I was very concerned about my own health and decided to go to the health center. I had a terrible cough and thought I had whooping cough or bronchitis. Nurse (NURSE) told me it was probably just the flu and refused to test me for bronchitis or whooping cough or refer me to a doctor or anything. She said to come back in a week if I still had it. I went back (even though my first visit with her was very awkward and uncomfortable) and was agian refused a bronchitis test because she didn't think it was necessary. After a month my cough and other symptoms had still not gone aways so I had to go to an off campus doctor for help which cost me a lot of money that i do not have. Turns out I did have bronchitis and because I had then had it for over two full months, it ended up doing permanent damage to my lungs.
athletics, baseball, improper investigation, victim blaming Yes!! I was also on a sports team that was impacted with the baseball team drama my senior year. I was forced to go into SRR days before graduation or I wouldn't be able to walk! The whole situation was so HORRIBLY mishandled. And they clearly didn't consider the baseballs team's impact on everyone else on campus. They kept telling me we had to apologize or else the team could pursue legal action against us for what we said in private messages! Also the person I was forced to speak with at SRR said i needed to "think about all the incoming baseball freshman and i could have just ruined their college experience"...like what about all the college experiences the baseball team ruined for being predators???? Also on the baseball team I know myself, other NSO leaders, and older students would pull younger womxn on campus aside and tell/warn them about the baseball team since we knew of so many assault cases
Nurse (NURSE) (REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH NURSE) forced me to take a pregnancy test to make "herself feel better" even though I hadn't been sexually active in months, and then later I got billed almost 30 dollars for a pregnancy tested I neither wanted nor needed. I also wasn't told that I would be charged
RA, campus life, suicide, lack of training, mental health resources I was an RA for three years because I would've been forced to drop out for financial reasons if I quit and I quickly learned that the overall system and beaurocracy sets RAs and their residents up to fail. Our sexual assault and suicide prevention training is the most watered down material I've ever seen, and one of the worst things I expereinced was during my second year as an RA when I walked in on one of my residents trying to kill themself. When RAs are taught how to handle suicide, there is NEVER A SINGLE mention of how to deal with a student who is actively trying to hurt themself and we are only taught how to respond to students who are having suicidal thoughts. The second hand trauma was so severe that it took me two years to stop panicking every time I saw an ambulance speed by because I had associated it with that day. I then spent the rest of my time as an RA constantly bringing up this event and how I was not prepared to ADs and during staff trainings and it went completely ignored. I was basically told that because of liability reasons, their reasoning was that if they didn't do more extensive trainings then we wouldn't have to deal with these situations as we "would just call the AD on duty or campus safety" for them to deal with it. Fast forward to my senior year, my AD who was new had to respond to a similar situation that I had dealt with the year prior, and they expressed to me that they "finally understood" and things needed to change because even they didn't feel prepared or know what to do! And not only that, but even later that year that same AD called me into another suicide situation because I had just happened to be walking by and they knew I had experience with suicide because the counselor on call and the current director of campus living weren't answering their phone and they had no idea what to do . I, the student, without any formal suicide training had to tell the AD what to do and pretty much calm him down he was so overwhelmed because even his resources had failed. Almost every RA I know has a similar story.
Baseball, athletics, Nurse (NURSE), rape culture, protection of abusers When I was eighteen at Lewis and Clark a Junior baseball player tried to get me drunk enough to stay over at one of the baseball houses. He had been aggressive all night and was constantly trying to get me to drink more. I only got out of there because a friend literally came and picked me up and put me in a car to take me home. I found out later that he had been telling his friends that "he would only give me a month to fuck him" and then he would be on to the next. I also had terrible experiences with (REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH NURSE) where she was incredibly creepy to me and misdiagnosed my friends and gave them hard drugs /sleeping pills for their pain instead of actually figuring out what's wrong with them. She also constantly belittled me about my weight (I'm on the smaller side) and would make me take all of my clothes off to weigh me. And after she did that I bitched her out over the phone when she tried to get me back in the nurses office and told her i would never come back. L&C Protects abusers. I also knew so many men that were abusers at Lewis and Clark and I was NEVER made to feel safe. They just waltzed around school like they could do whatever they wanted because no one was able to hold them accountable. ** and to add to the (NURSE) info- my friend who was misdiagnosed had dreads at the time and (REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH NURSE) basically told her she was dirty and that's why she was having infectons and alluded to her sleeping around a lot. She literally probably just had a UTI but was in so much pain that she was taking ambien to get to sleep (prescribed by (REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH NURSE)). I had to tell her to stop taking that and get to an actual doctor. (REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH NURSE) would also say "thank you" every time she touched you and it was so fucking creepy. She got me on birth control so "I could have a good time in college"
assault, improper investigation, rape culture, victim blaming My freshman year, I (cis-man) was assaulted by a cis-woman after a party. I met her there, she said she wasn't drinking but kept bringing me drinks. I blacked out and woke up with her in my bed. I felt gross andused and didn't know who to talk to. I tried to coyly bring it up around my RA but it was approached with a "hey, good job getting laid" attitude. I still felt gross so I approached (SRR DIRECTOR) while I saw him walking around campus and asked to talk. The problem was that I'd already gotten written up for alcohol a couple times that year and his attitude was basically "maybe you shouldn't drink so much." I realized nobody would take it seriously and did my best to repress it. It started a long spiral and I'm still trying to escape it.
Nurse (NURSE) (REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH NURSE) made me SO uncomfortable. I only went to the health center once because I wanted to get back on BC, she refused to give it to me and after asking a lot of intrusive questions she wanted me to pay for a bunch of tests, when I said no she told me that I was too overweight for BC and wouldn't give it to me (even though I had been on it and was perfeclty fine), this is clearly not as bad as some experiences but it still made me uncomfy enough that I never went back to see her
abuse, suicide, coercion, drug use, assault, violence, Okay I have another story. My senior year I started to date an extremely abusive drug addict. He would often threaten to kill himself if I left him, would shoot up in front of me, and would pressure me into taking drugs followed by sex. I internalized a lot of the sexual assault at the time becasue I was so ashamed of dating him. I finally broke down and told the school what was going on. I even talked to one of my professors. I was genuinely scared because he was completely out of control. They said they couldn't do anything and just suggested I break up with him. I explained it wasn't that simple because of the abuse he would put me through if I did. They basically turned all of this around on me, saying it was my fault for dating someone like that. A few months later this boy attempted suicide in front of me, and blamed it on me. A few months after that, he attacked his own mother in a fit of rage and was charged with a felony. LC literally did not listen to me at all when I was trying to explain the abuse I was enduring and I was lucky enough to get out when I did But it would've been nice if someone could've given me some constructive advice about how to get out of this relationship instead of just making me feel like I was a piece of shit for dating him.
Nurse (NURSE) Okay I didn’t even connect this until I saw this but she made me take a herpes test even though you don’t get tested for herpes unless you are actively having an outbreak. My test came back inconclusive and she basically told me I had to wait a couple months to get re tested. I was freaking out thinking I possibly had herpes not knowing that an inconclusive result is so common and basically doesn’t mean anything. During winter break, I went to planned parenthood to have them check me again. They were so nice and told me not to worry at all and that I should never have been given the test because I wasn’t having an outbreak! Ugh all of that stress for nothing.
More on (RHMS PROFESSOR): he belittled me to the point that I abandoned my dream of being a filmmaker. Openly rolled his eyes at me and despite consistently turning in highly graded work and exams, never gave me higher than a B in class. The only praise he gave me was in a bregrudging email one time lol. (RHMS PROFESSOR)s a sexist ass.
Just want to call out the "woke" cis men that were my "friends" until they found out my rapist was someone they "cared about". This is about the LC administration but it's also about the rape culture that runs rampant in the student population. LC is not immune from this shit. Just because you are "progressive" nd took medicine, healing and culture doesn't mean you support and believe survivors.
The summer before my senior year I was sexually assaulted by somebody outside of LC. I never reported, but I suffer from ptsd because of it. The last semester of college i was constantly disassociating and and couldn't keep up with my course load/thesis because of it, and went to student support services for help. The woman t SSS was helpful, but then I had to repeat my story to (HEALTH PROMOTION DIRECTOR) and then a counselor at the counseling center, who told me that he couldn't help me because it was the end of the semester. Ultimately , the little support I recieved came from SSS and only one of my professors, who I discloesed to. The situation left me feeling largely unsupported by LC as a whole. she has been terminally ill and hanging in there for four years, and when i reached out to SSS for support again a few semesters after my first request hoping for different results, they instead questioned why she wasn’t dead yet essentially and acted suspicious. i had to get a social worker to write a letter to prove what was going on which was an exhausting, emotional process
The [RA] "training" they have you do partially consists of forcing you to open up to each other and get really vulnerable to bond as a team? but it ends up creating a weird insular environment where you feel like you can't criticize campus living bc you'd be like betraying your team.
Same thing happened to me! I had a pelvic exam and (NURSE) told me I had hpv but didn't tell me anything about it. i asked her questions trying to understand more about what it is and how it would affect my sex life but she wouldn't tell me anything. I was so horrified that the medical professional at LC who is supposed to help students had literally zero ability to do so. I left entirely confused, she was incredibly unhelpful.
I have so many stories about how terrible the student support office is at supporting students with chronic medical issues. It took me 2 years to get accommodations because I am also undiagnosed even though I presented notes from three doctors saying I needed the accommodations then when I had multiple professors drop me from their classes after the add/drop because they didn't feel like accepting my legally protected accommodations, th office told me it was up to me to argue with the professors and offered me no support when the professors told me i was lying about my illnesses just so I could skip class.
I wanna add to this and say that RAs are really expected to do WAY too much and not trained or paid enough for it. The free room and board looks different if you're on specific scholarships and in which case you don't really get much for the job. Additionally I had to do WIN check ins as a 19 year old with no real context on what I was looking for or what I was supposed to do. I had a lot of traumatizing incedents with residents that same year that I didn't get much other check in from my AD for. Campus living really needs to change this system
Hey there, I had some personal experience at the health center that was so frustrating and unprofessional. I had gone in to seek treatment for what I thought could be a UTI and ended up being prescribed a week long antibiotic. On VERY last day of taking the medecine I get an email telling me that I was prescribed the wrong medicine and should stop taking it immediately as it could be dangerous?? They had called me on the first day but my voicemail box was full and didn't bother to email me several days later until I was nearly finished with my medicine. And i've had other experiences where the nurses have asked me super personal questions without cause in an effort to "council" me, relaying that my medical issues were just a reflection of my mental state. Also, I too had a counselor at LC cry during many of my sessions (which I totally empathize with but oof that was not the support I needed and felt so unprofessional). Before coming to LC I filled out a form that asked questions about ones mental and physical health history. Flash forward to me seeking counseling several years later, my counselor also got a sheet out and noticed that on a form back in 2017 you put down that you have a history with eating disorders, self harm and a shit ton of other shit. I was so caught off guard and not ready to talk about those things at all. In the next few meetings the counselor was constantly scanning my arms and body and then would always proceed to talk about self harm even when I expressed that it was in incredibly sensitive topic and I was not comfortable. It felt really invasive and against my will.
Nurse (NURSE), stalking Hearing these stories brings up so much. My freshman year I saw nurse (NURSE) because I had an extremely sore throat. I later found out that I had mono, but (NURSE) prescribed me a bunch of oxy for the sore throat. It was a high dose. Luckily I did not experience and dependence to it, but I think it’s irresponsible to prescribe such an addictive drug for such a minor symptom. Addiction runs deep in my family and she never asked me about it before prescribing. Also my friend/roommate and I lived off campus our junior year. She was being sexually harassed and stalked by another student. One night she got a call from LC because he was shouting her name and throwing a chair at the door of our previous dorm building. My roommate told them where we lived at the time (not far from campus) and they simply said “oh, we let him go and he’s actually headed your way” then nothing. They didn’t do anything else to protect her or check in with her afterwards.
Also in terms of the health center overall, I've had extremely bad interactions. I went in one time and was crying and in so much pain from a UTI. They were extremely cold and wouldn''t help or prescribe anything because I didn't have an appointment. I didn't have a car on campus so I felt even more helpless. Even if there was nothing they could have done, I was shocked and angered by the lack of empathy or convern, as medical professionals on a college campus having compassion should be of utmost importance. Just very disheartening, there needs to be some serious consideration in rehiring more capable folk
I came to school as a freshman in 2010 and my dad passed away after 2 weeks. I was really encouraged by the LC staff and everyone to see a school therapist. I ended up going in to see a counselor who ended up crying 15 minutes in and then proceeded to tell me 1) time will heal me and 2) there is no space for me.
Omg all these stories are ringing so true. I went in for a standard std check and (NURSE) full on convinced me I had an STD from nothing. I cried and freaked out and she even prescribed me meds right away. Then, the called me cause she realized the meds were not going to do well with my other meds and anyway it turned out I had nothing and she had misdiagnosed me and freaked me out for no reason. Also she did a completley unnecessary exam. ALSO my experience w (SRR DIRECTOR) was horrible and he did not protect me or my roommate from a guy who threatened to kill us freshman year. Do better LC!
Another LC sexual assault mishandling/clinic and counseling office story. The platform you are giving to these stories is incredible & i hope you are all taking care of yourselves! I was sexually assaulted as a freshman & felt so much shame, confusion, and self-blame around it. When I reported the assault I was basically told that it wouldn't be worth it to report because the person was leaving LC for unrelated reasons. I had a class with the person who assaulted me and he found ways to be physically close to or touch me for the remainder of the semester
(NURSE) gave me at least three prescritpions for a painkiller w an extremely high addiction risk after I pulled a muscle. At the time I assumed she was in the right because she's a medical professional. When I went to the counseling center seeking help with abuse-related trauma and an eating disorder, the counselor told me that she didn't really work with eating disorders and told me the trauma i'd experienced was essentially too complex. I know it's a college counseling center, but to hear that-- and knowing that i couldn't afford other therapy-- felto so isolating and demeaning.
I saw a couple of other posts about this, but I went in to talk to a counselor to diagnose ptsd and find some treatments, and while I was recounting my exoeriences, the woman I was meeting with cried??? Then after talking about how emotional my story made her, told me they were booked up and gave me an outdated list of counselors in portland to use instead of the one my tuition pays for.
Freshman year, the RA of upper odell (a guy) started incessantly messaging me on facebook and asking to hang out. I got kind of suspicious because he would never actually talk to me in person but continued to persistently reach out to me on social media. This was the same guy that had access to my room at all times and did my room inspections. I would constantly see him watching me at waffle wednesdays and as I walked across campus after my classes. Every time I saw him i would just avoid him and walk the long way just to not come into contact with hom. When I blocked him on facebook he reached out to me on instagram. It was completley inappropriate and made me feel incredibly unsafe. RAs at LC are idealized for many reasons. But male RAs are idealized for being model men and this one especially abused his power.
At LC I was dating a person who revealed a while into the relationship that. they had an STI. I tested positive for asymptomatic herpes and (NURSE) made it feel like a death sentence, like i was ruined as a peron for unknowingly contracting a super common STI from a person who wasn't transparent. She told me she hoped it was worth it because I'll have it forever, and to be more careful and monogamous. We were monogamous and used condoms. She said I should try to stay with them because it's hard finding partners with herpes. She did not explain anything about viral loads or how preventative meds work to make the virus totally manageable. I left literally screaming and crying because I was so frustrated. I've since learned healthcare pros are given training on how to correctly tell a patient they have an sti because the social dtigma and emitional toll can be so difficult. Also, herpes is so common that standard practice is to not test unless there are symptoms. The whole process was so traumatic. She ruined my self worth for months. Every health care pro I've mentioned this to has been astounded at how horrible incorrectly she handled such an easy and common thing. Also, it seemed like for a while they were too lax on HIPPAA at the health center? I remember being in a waiting room with other students I knew, having my name called and saying I could go take my test.
OMG I will never forget the time (NURSE) pried me open and then was like "did you just... make love... he is present.." and tried to force me to pay for plan b when there is plan b sitting for free at the fsu
Had the same experience with nurse (NURSE) as many of these stories, she praised my genetalia (during an unnecessary pelvic exam) and congatulated me for being sexually active. This was my only experience going to a gynecologist and I didn't realize this wasn't normal until I read these.
hi hello I was raped on the third day of NSO and went to the health services to report it the day after. They denied me a rape kit saying that it was unnecessary and instead of offering services I should seek out, just dragged me for going to health services instead of any other office like SRR/SSP. I worked for months and moths on end trying to set up meetings and get a foot in the door on reporting, but all I was given was the same fucking sexual assault pamphlet 7 times. I filed for a no contact order against my rapist who was freely walking and coming into my dorm building, contacting my friends, and who would later enroll in the same class as me second semester despite the fact that I had a no contact order in place. It was MY responsibliltiy to contact my professors and explain why I neede a change in the class environment, which is something I thought would be taken care of by admin as they had started it wouldn't be my battle to fight. MONTHS later I was able to meet with an LC appointed case worker who asked me invasive questions including "what were you wearing? is there any way you could've given him consent without knowing?" and "what did he use to penetrate you?" after making it through that step in the process, I was told that my testimony wasn't enough and I would have to go further into a hearing and be on a zoom call with a board of staff members, (SRR DIRECTOR), and my rapist. The trial many months after my meeting with the LC case worker in which my rapist tried to defend himself with the claim of "why didn't she report it sooner? if it was such a big deal she would've come forward when it happened!" The fact of the matter is that I did come no less than 12 hours after it happened. LC admin systematically silences victims and discourages them from reporting.
My rapist wasn't even expelled from school. He was removed until spring semester 2021. He could come back. And they're letting him come back if he chooses to do so. they don't care about victims
YES SSS does not do their job effectively at all. I have a terminally ill family member who is in and out of the hospital. I tried to get accommodations for attendance on the days when it felt like she wouldn't make it or my anxiety and worry was so debilitating that i couldn't focus on classwork, and ultimately they told me that because I don't have a diagnosed illness it was up to me to disclose to each of my professors idividually the prersonal details of what was going on in my life (something too raw and sensitive for me to even want to discuss with my friends). Every time it was so awkward and there was never a consistent response so having to explain the circumstances to new professors every single semester became this traumatic, scary thing. The reponses from them would range from over the top pity (which made me feel uncomfortable) to disinterest (which made me feel unheard). She has been terminally ill and hanging in there for four years, and when I reached out to SSS for support again a few semesters after my first request hoping for different results, they instead questioned why she wasn't dead yet essentially and acted suspicious. I had to get a social worker ot write a letter to prove what was going on which was an exhausting, emotional process.
I know that ppl had a shitty time w admin for a a lot of reasons but when it happened to me I really thought it was a ME problem. During thesis senior year I was in the process of getting diagnosed with a serious mental health condition, including suicidal thoughts n tendencies. In order to get any work done and be able to graduate I had to try and get help/documentation from student support services. They were nice enough, but it was my impression that my thesis advisor (who didn't believe me about being sick) did not have to follow the "recommendations" that SSS made. Needless to say, graduating became a Herculean task that I had to figure out on my own with basically no support from the admin. I felt totally hung out to dry. So I was like, okay, they're an institution, this is how they work, whatever. A few weeks before graduation I got a call from (SRR DIRECTOR) where he basically said hello, introduced himself, and then told me a student had found "troubling material" with my name on it and asked me straight up if I was suicidal.Apparently, a student had found a poem I had written for (ENGLISH PROFESSOR)'s senior poetry class, deemed it to be an admission of suicidal ideation (it was not in any way, it just had the word death in ig [eye roll emoji * 3]) and "turned it in" to the student health center. This triggered a whole chain reaction of events wherein (SRR DIRECTOR) had to cover the college's ass by calling me up and asking me if I was thinking about ending my life. I was sitting in spielmans at the time lol (god bless those ppl, they've seen me cry 1000 times) trying to whit knuckle my thesis and I felt so incredibly violated. Not only was I actually suicidal at the time, with absolutely zero intention of disclosing that to a total stranger, I might add, I had to suffer thru the college's "protocol" bc apparently suicide on campus is a huge legal liability. The thing that really hurt the most tho was that they didn't show up for me when I needed them. I asked for help, I told them I was sick and hurting, and they basically said "sorry nothing wrong can do! Hope you feel better soon!" But when it became a question of the college's potential libility I wa put in a horrible position wherein I had to discuss highly personal details of my life and health. It hurt so much and messed me up for a long time. Big shout out to (ENGLISH PROFESSOR) who did an amazing job of advocating for me. It's one thing for them to operate as a business /institution; that's what it is after all. But it's so so insulting that they pretend they're anything other than that. When I was telling this story to a trusted prof they said they'd heard stories of students who admitted ot being suicidal being moved into single rooms/isolated from peers. I don't remember many other details but the takeaway is tht the college is someohow beholden to a set of rules regarding suicidality that really fuck up ppls lives.
My sophomore year I was a co-facilitator for PSI. We were given limited training on how to deal with sexual assault (if at all, this was a while ago so I don't remember the details) despite the fact that we were supposed to be facilitating ongoing conversations about consent. I remember on the second or third session a student who I had a few other classes with asked to talk to me privately. They essentially told me that a friend of theirs had been sexually assaulted and wondered how to deal with it It boke my heart to tell them the reality of trying to work withthe school in filing a Title IX would be extremely difficult and traumatizing and might end up being WORSE thatn not reporting it. This was after multiple friends having horrific experiences with (SRR DIRECTOR)/WIN my freshman year as well as personal experience of a violent rape less than a year before (I didn't report). I gave the student a list of resources (both on campus and off campus) that might be helpful to them and their friend, and I was so worried about them that I gave them my number in case they needed anything. This was completely out of my job description, especailly since co-facilitators were being paid miniscule amounts of money for the work that we were doing (especially if you look at the small role that staff/prof co-facilitator plays in this setting compared to how much they're being paid [eyes emoji]). Nevertheless, I cared about the health and safety of the student and their friend so I was happy to help if I could support someone through an experience of that magnitude. Bottom line, I shouldn't have to tell a student seeking justice for their friend that this school doesn't care and will fight them at every turn. It hurt me so much to be honest with them because the reality is that this school (shout out to (SRR DIRECTOR) especially) has truly gone out of their way to revictimize students and comfort rapists. It's fucking disgusting
I myself haven't been directly affected by sexual assault, but I was on a sports team taht was, which resulted in the entire team being interviewed. The whole process was incredibly confusing, draining, and emotional, and there was very little support or follow up for any of the team members. In comparison to stories i've heard about student abusers, where trials tend to be stretched out over months or years, this trial was over so quickly (like a course of a few months) because the investigation involved a coach. In a way i'm glad LC acted so quickly BUT it felt as if it was more in the interest of the school than in the interest of the students. I don't think any single person on our team had any follow up to make sure we were ok afer everything went down
Also, I just want to reiterate how undertrained RAs are for suicidal or sexual assault scenarios. We are always told to just call the AD on call if we need support and that's about it. In one day as an RA I had to respond to two different situations where the students hadn't been seen by friends or faculty, and were feared to be suicidal, and thankfully they turned out to be ok, but both situations required me to respond to incredibly vulnerable students which RAs are not at all trained for. I've heard so many other RAs tell stories of responding to calls of people actively trying to harm themselves which isn't at all fair to the students or the RAs. They deserve mental health professionals who are trained to deal with these types of situations.
An RA for a different part of Copeland my freshman year started following me on Instagram and liking all my pictures sending me a ton of messages and asking to hangout even though I consistently said no. Whenever they were on duty they'd hang around the common areas in my wing until I just stayed in my room. I tried talking to an AD or admin about it but they just brushed me off, It went on for my sophomore year too until they went abroad.
I was sexually harrassed by a professor in the IA department my senior year. After going through some staff and faculty, I talked to (FORMER PROVOST). Similar to Ella's story, she was very understanding yet strongly discouraged going forward with a Title IX investigation. She said they relied essentially on witness testimony or written/recorded evidence (emails, etc.). She said that she wasn't aware anyone had made complaints about this particular professor. In the months and years that followed, I learned that it's actually an open secret in the IA dept that this professor is a serial sexual harasser. I felt like going through with a formal investigation would yield no results, so I never have. I know there are so many of us, though. If people respond to this with a similar story, feel free to put them in contact with me (please keep my post anonymous).
Survivors were not wrong in believing the coaches and administrators in athletics seemed to be in some type of aggreement. ALSO I can't help but laugh that professors like (ETHNIC STUDIES PROFESSOR) feel the need to write about a single speaker ("Safe space for hate" LOL THE IRONY) for the Huffington Post but is DEAD SILENT when it comes to ongoing systematic abuse. Also, a quick google of (SRR DIRECTOR) can reveal the decade of poor decisions that resulted in professors writing articles (but you guessed it! None about the ongoing and well-known sexual assault crisis).
when i went in for an emergency appointment and told the counseling staff i desperately needed to see a psychiatrist to get back on my meds, but didn’t have the energy to find one in my mental state, I was straight up told that there was not a single psychiatrist in portland who took my insurance. at the time, i was too exhausted to check it myself, so i waited 2.5 months without meds until i could go home and see my doctor there. turns out, there are severallllll psychiatrists in the portland area that take my insurance, leading me to believe it was never actually checked
More insignt from another RA: I've also worked with (INTERIM SRR DIRECTOR), and can second that she is very empathetic and caring and really values people. Also, I can very much relate to lots of stuff on the RA front. I was an RA fro two years. I know so many RAs whose work has taken such an emotional toll on them from trying to navigate hard situations (many of which we are unable to fully process due to confidentiality) with their residents. I didn't have any major experiences, but I was taught to believe the WIN system and SRR protocol were in the best interest of students.
Also, I can very much relate to lots of the stuff on the RA front. I was an RA for two years. I know so many RAs whose work has taken such an emotional toll on them from trying to navigate hard situations (many of which we are unable to fully process due to confidentiality) with their residents. I didn’t have any major experiences, but I was taught to believe the WIN system and SRR protocol were in the best interest of students. was once encouraged to file a report over something I thought I overheard a resident say with the intent to help them.If other reports came in sharing related concerns or incidents, there would be an SRR meeting to help that person. However, my understanding is that a meeting was called solely based on my report, which did nothing to help my resident and worsened our relationship. More transparency across the board is needed with SRR. And the WIN system in general. I'm so sorry to all the people who have been harmed by this system & i'm so grateful for everyone who is sharing their stories.
Yeah (NURSE) would often misgender me and they would charge me for getting my sharps containers changed out there (since they were the only place to safely dispose of them other than the hospital) It was uncomfortable too since I was just starting to transition and I felt shamed for getting on hormones, eventually I found a way to mail them in myself rather than having to pick them up in that office. I also needed a psychologist for long term treatment and they flat out told me that they only do short term counseling. I got more mental health support by driving myself to the ER than I ever did with the LC counselors. It was not a safe space for athletes with injuries, nonbinary and trans folx or students trying to get contraceptives or meds or mental help. I was also one of the students that taught PSI (I thought the girls who did mine in 2014 were awful) and felt that the students doing it in 2015 when I joined were mainly those who felt we'd recieved a poor job and wanted to change it for the new students, Unfortunately, way it was designed and the info we had to tell was not great. Plus, I feel like in every class I taught there was always that one guy who would want to describe a situation that wasn't consent and then the professor would redirect or we were instructed by teh trainers to not blatantly state "tht was not consent". It felt like we weren't allowed to engage in a constructive way with those people. As well, it was like pulling teeth to get students who skipped those sessions to go to a make up one and a lot of students were excused from it and never went, or got it months after everyone else. I went into that thinking I was going to help change the culture and I ended up leaving because it was deppressing af to state we have all of these resources to freshman students when I knew people (including myself) who got totally screwed by the institution when making actual reports and seeking help...
Hey, I know you were probably unexpectedly thrown into this situation and thank you for the emotional labor. I wanted to mention that when various friends and I dealt with (SRR DIRECTOR) and SRR they always bragged about "restorative justice". (Which LC inaccurately interprets as having rapists write essays or letters to their victims [vomiting emoji]) Obviously the system fails to do justice because they don't even treat students with basic respect or empathy. After talking to various students and faculty I began to notice a pattern in (SRR DIRECTOR) corrupt methods. Whenever students revieve "Rulings" from SRR they can formally "appeal". Sounds just right? Well it's not at all instead (SRR DIRECTOR) consistently sent ALL appeals to various athletic administrators or faculty. Ella, myself, and many people I know were quickly denied their "appeal" and I can't help but mention that the atmosphere of silencing survivors and protecting rapists/abusers within the athletic department is a reality!
Confidentially with you now. I was literally threatened with being suspended or expelled while a student if I spoke up about my case, but I graduated so I am going to speak up now. LC is a pro at shaming victims of assault into being quiet, but I am not ashamed anymore! I had similar issues as Ella when I reported. I was highly discouraged from reporting, (SRR DIRECTOR) was incompetent and disrespectful, there were extensions made for no good reason at evry step of the process, the man who raped me was found responsible for rape and was only suspended, and he was allowed to finish out the semester. When me and four other women were raped on our study abroad trip through Lewis & Clark, they offered no real support. After emailing and meeting with the program representatives at LC, they decided to switch the in-country program to another one in the same city. They did not cancel the next trip, and I doubt they even mentioned what happened to the students who would be going. I got one email from the school with a phone number for the national rape hotline. I reveived no other follow up since (I had graduated after the semester that I studied abroad)
Since watching ur story and reading the narratives about (INTERIM SRR DIRECTOR), I wanted to tell my story also. I worked this past year as an RA with (INTERIM SRR DIRECTOR) every week and at one point I was heavily suicidal. (INTERIM SRR DIRECTOR) was incredibly helpful and understanding in every way and consistently did what was best for me to maintain my mental stability following my hospitalization and what was best for my residents given my state. In comparison, I outwardly told (SRR DIRECTOR) when I came back from the hospital that I wouldn't be detailing my life story to him or why I was hospitalized for my mental state, but knew that i needed to be on his "good side" to return to my regular RA responsibilities. I look forward to (INTERIM SRR DIRECTOR) actions in her new position and trust her so much, and i really look forwared to the change in how she prioritizes assault and mental health cases.
health center I have another health center experience to share, definitely not as horrific as other stories people have shared but I thought I would add in my own story. It was my freshman year, and I went to the health center bc I had a UTI and needed medication. A nurse (not (NURSE), but unfortunately I don’t remember her name) wrote me a prescription for the medication, then recommended I get a pelvic exam. I asked if it would be with (NURSE), as numerous other female students had told me to avoid her at all costs, and she said yes and told me she was very good (HA). I said that wouldn’t be necessary as I had gotten a pelvic exam a few months ago (completely true), and she said I should get one anyways if I had had any new sexual partners within those few months. Again, I said no. She began to schedule me for an exam anyways despite the fact I had refused twice, and it finally took me telling her that I didn’t want (NURSE) anywhere near my body because I’ve heard of so many people having horrible experiences with her. She was so surprised that I stood up to her, and that I would speak badly of (NURSE). I don’t remember exactly what she said but she brushed off my comment and didn’t ask anything further. I walked out shortly after and never went back. So it seems like (NURSE) isn’t the only problem, but the other health center staff members are complacent and encouraging of her abusive practices.
Went to the on-campus therapist, told her I was suicidal and had hurt myself. She asked if I felt I wanted to do it again and I said yes. She just let me leave, absolutely no follow up appt or anything.
Title IX, Athletics When I was a freshman I was sexually assaulted by a junior at that time. I ended up filing a Title lX report against him and had a follow up meeting with the counseling department but decided to not share the name of the guy because he was well knownstudent athlete and others told me that even if I were to report him to the school nothing would be done because it would be his word against mine. Also I was told about a support group for sexual assault survivors on campus but at that time the group was closed to new people and the next semester they didn’t have it because too few people applied for it so I did not get the support from that group that I needed
Suicide I had chronic health issues coming into college that were overlooked and downplayed by the school, I went to student support services and was told that they couldn’t do anything if I didn’t have a diagnosis (diagnosis requires surgery for me, which sounded so disruptive for the middle of my freshman year). I was in and out of student health services weekly and after a while they started to refuse to treat me, even if I had high grade fevers and clear signs of illness. My parents would have to come to Oregon to take me to the ER, where I would be given immediate treatment. I tried to get student support services to listen to me that this was an issue, and I had professors that didn’t believe I was actually ill and wanted proof of medical visits (not allowed) because I didn’t have any SSS documentation. This was an awful experience and I almost dropped out. When I broke up with my boyfriend sophomore year he became threatening and aggressive, told me I was going to regret it, harassed my friends, threatened to commit suicide if I didn’t talk to him, and gaslit and lied to me about the circumstances surrounding our breakup. My friends wanted me to tell the administration about what was happening, I had some texts as evidence of threatening behavior and harassment, but most of the verbal abuse happened over the phone. I felt like if the school didn’t listen to me when I had clear and undeniable medical issues, why would they listen to me with this issue? I ended up not reporting the behavior, but I became extremely stressed and suicidal. I ended up being hospitalized for mental health concerns, which I made the mistake of telling a professor about in anger when they denied me an extension after I asked for it due to mental health concerns. The professor told the school, who reached out to me through WIN and SSS and the counseling center. They made it ABUNDANTLY clear that they did not care about my mental health, they cared about me not committing suicide in a way that would cause them any difficultly. They made me fill out massive amounts of paperwork, they made my therapist fill out massive amounts of paperwork, and this all made my mental health even worse. I wasn’t ever asked if I was okay, I was asked how serious I was about taking my life and if I wanted to do it on campus. This was disgusting and made me feel like absolute crap. They threatened to not let me study abroad, but STILL didn’t provide me any accommodations for school. To summarize, LC actively made my mental health crisis worse, made me feel unsafe to to report emotional abuse and threats from an ex, and ignored and refused to treat my chronic illness. Also, It doesn’t necessarily have anything to do with the admin, but just the general culture surrounding sexual assault on campus is exhausting. I have disclosed multiple counts of sexual assault and sexual harassment to my friends regarding people we know, and they’re still friends, even though people claim to be so “woke” and care about women, they only do when it’s convenient to them. Some people who assaulted me were popular and when I said something people were like “oh I’m sure it was just a misunderstanding” or “are you sure he knew what he was doing?” or “he tells it differently” like yeah, I’m sure he does, he probably doesn’t want to admit that he’s in the wrong. I just want people to understand that it’s still assault even if the perpetrator is someone you’re friends with and even if you’ve never had a bad experience with them. It disgusts me to see people continue friendships with masc individuals who have a line of girls saying they feel uncomfortable with him.
Title IX I was assaulted by another student during a summer program on campus before we both attended Lewis & Clark. I reported it at the time but nothing came of it since he and another person argued it was consensual even though I was ASLEEP. Then 4 years later the school finally took the complaint seriously after the 6th person made a report. The title IX coordinator at the time tried to bully me into participating in the investigation and told me that the 3 years of therapy I did to cope with the experience wasn’t worth as much as getting grilled by the same people I had seen brush dozens of incidents under the rug. After I chose not to participate I asked that they keep me and my name out of the complaint because I valued anonymity and I was later approached by both students and faculty members who had “heard what happened” and wanted to tell me sorry they remained friends with him for years. My freshman year when I realized he was a student I started having panic attacks because he lived in my dorm and attacked people while they were asleep and I was denied a request for a housing change and offered limited Bon hours so that he could go to the Bon anytime except for a 30 minute period during each meal time. It felt like the administration was punishing me for trying to keep myself safe and the general vibe was that even though the assault happened at LC because we weren’t students at the time it didn’t matter anymore.
(SRR DIRECTOR), SSR One of my male friends told me first semester that he was accused of sexual assault. At the time I was not in a good space, as I tend to be an empath and I am more susceptible to make excuses for these kinds of people. He came back the next semester and touched me inappropriately at a party. I was really fucked up on molly and was super confused. I ran to my boyfriend at the time and told him what had happened immediately. 2 of my male friends ended up confronting him that night and I went home immediately. The next few says my friends encouraged me to report it, because he had sexually assaulted so many girls we knew. It was getting too much, esp after being suspended the semester before. I had let him store stuff at my house and his girlfriend was my best friend. I did NOT want to report him bc it was so complicated but I figured it would be the right thing to do because of how many people had shared a similar story, and much worse, than mine w this particular student. So I reported it. And I wish I fucking hadn’t. I had a few friends who stood by me and my boyfriend at the time was really supportive. But some of the people that encouraged me to report him fell by the waste side as the case dragged on for the ENTIRE SEMESTER. It went a month into summer. There was suppose to be a no contact agreement but I saw him everywhere that semester. (SRR DIRECTOR) told me it would take a few weeks. He got people to interrogate me, people tried to make it seem like bc I was on MDMA that I wasn’t thinking straight. I started to not believe myself, I started to feel guilty that I was ruining this guys life because it went on for SO long. The worst part was the trial. In the trial, this boy literally said, in front of a group of lc staff and (SRR DIRECTOR), that he “didn’t find me attractive so he wouldn’t have done that”. He also said that I was “mentally ill” and wasn’t seeing straight. He talked shit about all of my friends. And they all just sat there while I was sobbing because I couldn’t believe they were letting him say this stuff. During the trial I realized he was accused of rape the semester before, not sexual assault. He lied to all of us. The administration made it so hard for me to feel comfortable or protected the entire way through this process. He got expelled from the school T GOD and I am SO lucky for that but it dragged on for way way way too long w not enough protection in place. (SRR DIRECTOR) should not be dealing with sexual assault. We need someone who actually knows how to talk to people about this instead of just random lc faculty and (SRR DIRECTOR)
Nurse (NURSE) (NURSE) MADE ME SO UNCOMFORTABLE i straight up put off getting treatment for two separate utis because i so badly didn’t want to go to her but never had my shit together enough to find a gyno off campus lol. anecdotal but my freshman year i went to the health center multiple times to get a persistent wart frozen off my hand and as I was leaving one day i made an off hand (pun) comment abt it and the receptionist was like “Oh I was wondering why you’re here!” not by any respect the worst thing at all but made me feel super embarrassed and just kind of sets the tone for health care on campus and flippancy for students’ comfort when seeking care.
(RHMS PROFESSOR) also.... tw assault - I was assaulted by a guy I was dating sophomore year. we were in the same dept. and had a lot of classes together. i couldn’t process the assault at the time and broke up with him abruptly. I didn’t report bc i was still reeling from a previous breakup (he was a rebound) and thought it was my fault. i found out later that on the rhms summer cannes film trip, he spent the entire time on a tirade about how crazy and slutty and unstable i was to bryan (RHMS PROFESSOR), who led the trip and was also my advisor. the next fall semester, the guy and i were in (RHMS PROFESSOR)s doc class and he intentionally paired us together bc he thought it would “be a funny dynamic.” I know he didn’t intentionally pair me with my rapist but still has always felt fucked up that he would have paired people who clearly had a rocky history “for the bit” this is not a reporting negligence case, more so the overall shitty culture that doesn’t make people feel safe, supported or encouraged to report. - this is not a reporting negligence case, more so the overall shitty culture that doesn’t make people feel safe, supported or encouraged to report. - oh also neglected to include that he told me he showed (RHMS PROFESSOR) my nudes but that’s just a petty detail rn lol. when i confronted him about it he was like “you know how jealous I am do you actually think I would do that?” and honestly to this day I do not know. he belittled me to the point that i abandoned my dream of being a filmmaker. openly rolled his eyes at me and despite consistently turning in highly graded work and exams, never gave me higher than a B in class. the only praise he gave me was in a begrudging email one time lol
YES SSS does not do their job effectively at all. i have a terminally ill family member who is in and out of the hospital. i tried to get accommodations for attendance on the days when it felt like she wouldn’t make it or my anxiety and worry was so debilitating that i couldn’t focus on classwork, and ultimately they told me that because i don’t have a diagnosed illness it was up to me to disclose to each of my professors individually the personal details of what was going on in my life (something too raw and sensitive for me to even want to discuss with my closest friends). every time it was so awkward and there was never a consistent response so having to explain the circumstances to new professors every single semester became this traumatic, scary thing. the responses from them would range from over the top pity (which made me feel uncomfortable) to disinterest (which made me feel unheard).
my sophomore year i was sexually harassed by a senior in one of my classes. he constantly referred to the women in a book we were reading as “sluts” and “whores” and after i repeatedly and firmly told him i wouldn’t condone that behavior he grabbed my thigh and got in my face to yell at me. this was in the library atrium. i was only able to get a no contact order after he made a scene in our class and stormed out because i made a comment about a character’s respect for women in the novel we were reading. he also made my professor mediate the tension between us by telling the prof to deliver a message to me: that i “needed to apologize” for my comments in class and that “he would be waiting for me.” after i told his girlfriend about his behavior she told me she believed me but they’re still together to this day. i found out that he was a serial assaulter of asian women on campus because he’s a fetishizer!!! all the international asian women on campus that i talked to had a story about him
Health center my experience at the health center was so frustrating and unprofessional. I had gone in to seek treatment for what I thought could be a UTI and ended up being prescribed a week long antibiotic. On VERY last day of taking the medicine I get an email telling me that I was prescribed the wrong medicine and should stop taking it immediately as it could be dangerous?? They had called me on the first day but my voicemail box was full and didn’t bother to email me several days later until I was nearly finished with my medicine. And i’ve had other experiences where the nurses have asked me super personal questions without cause in an effort to “council” me, relaying that my medical issues where just a reflection of my mental state. Also, I too had a counselor at LC cry during many of my sessions (which I totally empathize with but oof that was not the support I needed and felt so unprofessional). Before coming to LC I filled out a form that asked questions about ones mental and physical health history. Flash forward to me seeking counseling several years later, my counselor got a sheet out and said I noticed that on a form back in 2017 you put down that you have a history with eating disorders, self harm and a ton of other shit. I was SO caught off guard and not ready to talk about those things at all. In the next few meetings the counselor was constantly scanning my arms and body and then would always proceed to ask about self harm even when I expressed that it was an incredibly sensitive topic and I wasn’t comfortable. It felt really invasive and against my will.
Nurse (NURSE) one time i had a 105° fever because of a kidney infection and she insisted on giving me a full on pelvic exam and ended up charging me $300 for unnecessary STI testing when all i asked was for basic fucking antibiotics. felt uncomfortable telling her not to do it especially because of the way she talks down to students. to clarify: by ‘talking down to’ i mean that during my “well woman” visits (solely so I could refill my bc prescription) she shamed me for using birth control, insisted that I had to have been using it to only control acne, and shamed me for having sex with people I wasn’t dating
Nurse (NURSE) I had a super mild experience with her but I know tons who had worse experiences. I went in for a suspected UTI - super normal and common. I have other underlying health conditions that make taking antibiotics dangerous and have to weigh pros/cons when I take them. It’s usually good for me to explore all of the options with a doctor/med professional before deciding that’s the right choice. It was my first time having a UTI and nurse (NURSE) left a VM that got me so stressed out and scared about the UTI that I took antibiotics and it caused a flare of my other health conditions. I could have used any number of over the counter meds but I was so scared by her VM I thought I had no choice. I shared with my friend to get her nurse (NURSE) stories but she went in our freshman year because of a werid mole/pimple or some minor skin thing like that. It was on her upper back/shoulder. Nurse (NURSE) has her undress with her top off but back to an open door (hello!???) and then told her in a joking manner that it might be herpes.
Nurse (NURSE) At the time I excused it and just assumed she was a bit eccentric, but some of her “compliments” about my genitalia was honestly uncomfortable and gross. I think using more neutral language is the best way to go, I didn’t realize how important that was until I saw other gynecologist. It was so much more professional. Also in terms of the health center overall, I’ve had extremely bad interactions. I went in one time and was crying and in so much pain from a UTI. They were extremely cold and wouldn’t help or prescribe anything because I didn’t have an appointment. I didn’t have a car on campus so I felt even more helpless. Even if there was nothing they could have done, I was shocked and angered by the lack of empathy or concern, as medical professionals on a college campus having compassion should be of utmost importance. Just very disheartening, there needs to be some serious consideration in rehiring more capable folk.
Theatre department I'm a theatre major and as many womxn/femme people in theatre will tell you, it is often a sexist and dangerous environment. My story is by far one of the most tame instances. A senior (now graduated) would constantly invade my personal space during class and rehearsal, make sexual comments, touch me unnecessarily when we were talking, invite me to multiple parties after I repeatedly declined bc I didn't feel safe around him, etc. I didn't report because I knew my professors wouldn't do anything about it. I'd had multiple friends report much more serious instances of sexual assault to the male professors (specifically Stephen Weeks) and nothing was done about it. There are at least 4 abusers I can think of in the theatre department alone, and they've never been barred from participating in productions or received any sort of punishment. The survivors that have come forward have not been protected at all from their abusers.
nurse (NURSE) I went in for a standard STD check and (NURSE) full on convinced me I had an std from nothing. I cried and freaked out and she even prescribed me meds right away. Then she called me cause she realized the meds were going to not do well with my other meds anyway it turned out I had nothing and she had misdiagnosed me and freaked me out for no reason. Also she did a completely unnecessary exam. ALSO my experience w (SRR DIRECTOR) was horrible and he did not protect me or my roommate from a guy who threatened to kill us freshman year. Do better LC!!!
i was sexually assaulted as a freshman & felt so much shame, confusion and self-blame around it. when i reported the assault, i was basically told that it wouldn’t be worth it to report because the person was leaving LC for unrelated reasons. i had a class with the person who assaulted me and he found ways to be physically close to or touch me for the remainder of the semester.
Nurse (NURSE) nurse (NURSE) gave me at least 3 unnecessary pelvic exams, a breast exam when i went to the clinic for bronchitis, and gave me a painkiller w an extremely high addiction risk after i pulled a muscle. at the time i assumed she was in the right because she’s a medical professional. when i went to the counseling center seeking help with abuse-related trauma and an eating disorder, the counselor told me that she didn’t really work with eating disorders and that the trauma i’d experienced essentially too complex. i know it’s a college counseling center but to hear that—and knowing that i couldn’t afford other therapy—felt so isolating and demeaning
RA When I was an RA, a resident was in a bad situation with their roommate and needed to move out urgently. A Campus living AD told us they could stay in a hotel with their own $$ but they couldn't find a different dorm room until the next semester. They ended up sleeping in a friend's room and I didn't know of any other way way I could help besides checking in on them. The school should have safe rooms/contingency plans for situations like this. When I was an RA, I received no mental health support myself after helping many suicidal students. I was not encouraged to seek therapy, and I couldn't talk about it to others ofc to respect the students' privacy. The most I got was my area director telling me to try to stop crying (I'd told them I was crying every time I was alone).
Nurse (NURSE) I also had a dangerous (NURSE) med scare. She prescribed me an pill for a yeast infection. Handed it to me and I was ready to go. I said, “do you mind if we double check for medication interactions?” She checked and slowly pulled the pills back from me saying “that would have stopped your heart” and laughed it off. Gross negligence.
Nurse (NURSE) I’ve never gone in for a sexual health reason bc im baby but when I went in for exhaustion that caused me to faint she looked at my body and tried telling me I was severely underweight and didn’t check my heart or anything which was triggering (and I wasn’t underweight and was experiencing heart issues from stress)
Athletics My first semester I was harassed by members of a sports team and reported it to my RA, AD, the counseling office, and student life. I asked my counselor to tell me who I should go to and got nothing. The main abuser moved into my best friend’s room where I’d been hiding from him because I didn’t feel like my own dorm was safe. I applied to transfer schools. My dad had to send an email to the provost before anybody intervened to help me. Student conduct office made it such an awful process I decided not to open a Title IX investigation because I was basically told either way I’d just have to wait for the harassment to start to see anything change. Even after I got no contact orders one of the guys got placed in the same class as me the next year and I had to go to the professor and tell him about how unsafe I felt, then I fell on the professor to look out for me because admin didn’t do their job. I wanted to add that part of getting the no contact orders required (SRR DIRECTOR) asking me to submit any evidence I had. He wouldn’t accept my best friend’s word I’d been hiding in his dorm for months. I had deleted the text messages from the abuser and only kept one voicemail, and had to leave the room because (SRR DIRECTOR) insisted on playing it out loud to record it. Also when I was being harassed I asked for an emergency dorm move because neither the RA or AD did anything, and Sandi told me that there were rooms available in Hartsfeld but I couldn’t move into them because I was a freshman and they were for sophomores. I had to stay in Copeland down the hall from the abusers for three more weeks.
Nurse (NURSE) (NURSE) as many of these stories, she praised my genitalia (during an unnesecary pelvic exam) and congratulated me for not being sexually active. This was my only experience going to a gynecologist and I didn’t realize this wasn’t normal until I read these
Nurse (NURSE) Same thing happened to me! I had a pelvic exam and (NURSE) told me I had hpv but didn’t tell me anything about it. I asked her questions trying to understand more about what it is and how it would affect my sex life but she wouldn’t tell me anything. I was so horrified that the medical professional at LC who is supposed to help students had literally zero ability to do so. I left entirely confused, she was incredibly unhelpful
Nurse (NURSE) At LC I was dating a person who reveled a while into the relationship that they had an STI. I tested positive for asympoyomatic herpes and (NURSE) made it feel like a death sentence, like I was ruined as a person for unknowingly contracting a super common sti from a person who wasn’t transparent. She told me she hoped it was worth it because I’ll have it forever, and to be more careful and monogamous. We were monogamous and used condoms. She said I should try to stay with them because it’s hard finding partners with herpes. She did not explain anything about viral loads or how preventative meds work to make the virus totally manageable. I left literally screaming and crying because I was so frustrated. I’ve since learned health care pros are given training on how to correctly tell a patient they have an sti because the social stigma and emotional toll can be so difficult. Also, herpes is so common that standard practice is to not test unless there are symptoms. The whole process was so traumatic. She ruined my self worth for months. Every health care pro I’ve mentioned this to has been astounded at how horribly incorrectly she handled such an easy and common thing. Also, it seemed like for a while they were too lax on HIPPA at the health center? I remember being in a waiting with other students I knew, having my name called, and saying I could go take my test.
Counseling Service I came to school as a freshman in 2010 and my dad passed away after 2 weeks. I was really encouraged by the LC staff and everyone to see a school therapist. I ended up going to see a counselor who ended up crying 15 minutes in and then proceeded to tell me that 1) time will heal me and 2) there is no space for me. What a circus.
RA I’ve also worked with (INTERIM SRR DIRECTOR), and can second that she is very empathetic and caring and really values people. Also, I can very much relate to lots of the stuff on the RA front. I was an RA for two years. I know so many RAs whose work has taken such an emotional toll on them from trying to navigate hard situations (many of which we are unable to fully process due to confidentiality) with their residents. I didn’t have any major experiences, but I was taught to believe the WIN system and SRR protocol were in the best interest of students. I once was encouraged to file a report over something I thought I overheard a resident say with the intent to help them. If other reports came in sharing related concerns or incidents, there would be an SSR meeting to help that person. However, my understanding is that a meeting was called based solely on my report, which did nothing to help my resident and worsened our relationship. More transparency across the board is needed with SSR.
Nurse (NURSE) omg i will never forget the time (NURSE) pried me open and then was like "did you just.. make love... he is present.." and tried to force me to pay for a plan b when there is plan b sitting for free up at the fsu
Nurse (NURSE) I met with her once and she made me so anxious I called my mom crying afterwards and swore I’d never go back to her again. I went in after months of abdominal pain, she sat super close to me, she assumed I was pregnant and I had to insist multiple times that it wasn’t possible before she would believe me and consider anything else. She kept me there for almost 2 hours, all I wanted was a referral to a doctor! It wasn’t any one big thing she did so I told myself I was overreacting or something. I feel validated in my experience knowing that others have also had negative interactions. And yes she still works there
(SRR DIRECTOR), SSR anted to mention that when various friends and I dealt with (SRR DIRECTOR) and SRR they always bragged about “restorative justice.” (Which LC inaccurately interpreta as having rapists write essays or letters to their victims 🤮) Obviously the system fails to do justice because they don’t even treat students with basic respect or empathy. After talking to various students and faculty I began to notice a pattern in (SRR DIRECTOR)’s corrupt methods. Whenever students receive “rulings” from SRR they can formally “appeal.” Sounds just right? Well it’s not at all instead (SRR DIRECTOR) consistently sent ALL appeals to various athletic administrators or faculty. Ella, myself and many people I know were quickly denied their “appeal” and I can’t help but mention that the atmosphere of silencing survivors and protecting rapists/abusers within the athletic department is a reality! Survivors were not wrong in believing the coaches and administrators in athletics seemed to be in some type of agreement. ALSO I can’t help but laugh that professors like (ETHNIC STUDIES PROFESSOR) feel the need to write articles about a single speaker (“safe space for hate” LOL THE IRONY) for the Huffington Post but is DEAD SILENT when it comes to ongoing systematic abuse. Also a quick google of (SRR DIRECTOR) can reveal the decade of poor decisions that resulted in professors writing articles (but you guessed it! None about the ongoing and well-known sexual assault crisis).
Title IX I had an incredibly traumatic process of Title 9 at L&C. I was assaulted while asleep on my abroad trip & forced to live with my abuser for two months. He wrote a letter acknowledging it, only to get a lawyer and deny it after. I had to get an attorney. Reported in November 2018 and was ‘resolved’ in May 2019. The experience was not only terrible bc of the reliving, but I was appalled at the bureaucracy and inability of staff to do their job. It was so alarming that my attorney and I presented to the group that oversees the Title 9 processes as a whole. Ex: no warning content on emails, blaming me for having the hearing due date pushed back, no acknowledgment of how hard it was, not responding to emails etc. They presented a “shocked and alarmed” front. I ended by telling them I wouldn’t recommend title 9 to any survivor that wishes to process their trauma rather than re live it.
I graduated this year, but my freshman year I was drugged at an LC party and assaulted. I used a test kit at home to confirm it was benzos - I didn’t go to the police bc of all the horror stories I had heard and felt I had to leave campus For a few weeks. I told my professors this and while some of them let me take one or two classes off, one professor in particular said there was nothing he could do about it and that if I missed another class (I had already missed three intermittently) it would reflect in my grade. Not a single professor referred me to a counselor. Not a single one expressed a cent of solidarity with me. All four asked for proof and I had to show them the picture I took of my two positive tests, which by the way is a large cup of pee. It felt like insult to injury.
RA, (SRR DIRECTOR), suicide, SSR worked this past year as an RA with (INTERIM SRR DIRECTOR) every week and at one point i was heavily suicidal. (INTERIM SRR DIRECTOR) was incredibly helpful and understanding in every way and consistently did what was best for me to maintain my mental stability following my hospitalization and what was best for my residents given my state. In comparison, i outwardly told (SRR DIRECTOR) when i came back from the hospital that i wouldn’t be detailing my life story to him or why i was hospitalized for my mental state, but knew that i needed to be on his “good side” to return to my regular RA responsibilities. I look forward to (INTERIM SRR DIRECTOR)’ actions in her new position and trust her so much, and i really look forward to the change in how she prioritizes assault and mental health cases
Nurse (NURSE) This isn’t even the original story I had but this is so common. I fainted in an academic building due to extreme endometriosis pain, although i didn’t know it was endometriosis at the time, just monthly cramps pain. when i got to (NURSE), she refused to believe the intensity of my pain, and repeatedly implied that maybe i hadn’t been having safe sex and was pregnant. i told her that i wasn’t 4 times, and then after her persistent asking explained that i was a lesbian and physically incapable of being pregnant at that time. she proceeded to ask me AGAIN saying “who knows what could have happened” and telling me, very patronizingly, that i should really be aware that sometimes, things like that just happen regardless, and that especially being a girl like myself, i might change my mind one day. she then dismissed me with nothing more than suggesting i use a heating pad when i could still hardly walk from the pain I was having.
Trans health, Nurse (NURSE) im not sure if this relates to nurse (NURSE) but a lot of my fellow trans peers have said that when they went to the health center they got misgendered and deadnamed like a lot. Idk how they even miss that shit i feel like that's pretty fucking important
Nurse (NURSE) once i went to nurse (NURSE) when i thought i possibly had an STD and instead of oral sex she kept calling it “special kissing”????? i was so weirded out that she was talking to me like i was a child
(SRR DIRECTOR), SSR (SRR DIRECTOR) and other people handling my case to even know what was going on, and (SRR DIRECTOR) and my case team were constantly sweeping my requests under the rug and extending the length of my investigation for no explainable reason!! the most i would get as “communication” was (SRR DIRECTOR) emailing me that he wanted to meet up and talk, which would just be 15 minutes in his office or a zoom call with him stumbling thru my options, which we had already reviewed
nurse (NURSE) I went in and shared some things about chronic reproductive health issues I’ve had and she told me how “fascinating” they are and that she wanted access to my health records to just see what was “wrong” with me. (NURSE) repeatedly asked me to send in medical records that she has no need to see and i did not consent to having a Pap smear, I have not gone back to the campus clinic since then. she treated me like an experimental guinea pig. nobody here should experience being treated as an experiment by a person who is supposedly a health professional.
Nurse (NURSE) I wanted to give my experience with Nurse (NURSE). I went in for a previous medical issue that she very condescendingly brushed off and told me was nothing that that my backpack was just too heavy. Two days later I had to be taken in an ambulance to the ER and almost died because of the same medical issue she said I was overreacting about. When I went back to get help and assistance to manage it from the clinic I specifically asked for someone else but she saw me in the waiting room and took me back anyway. She gave me way too many opium painkillers and no instructions on how to take them and when I went back a week later screamed at me and basically told me I was using this all as an excuse to get pain meds and that I was an addict. I ended up with really severe health issues relating to this incident. And another experience I had with her was when I went to the clinic to get eye drops for pink eye. I had again requested a different nurse but got her again. She told me that I was going blind and I had a severe eye infection and needed to see an emergency eye doctor. She called me a taxi and made me pay for it (which was not cheap because it was so far away), I cried the entire way there thinking I was going blind, had to go through a whole eye exam to then be told I just had pink eye by a very confused doctor who had no idea why I had been sent to see him. The whole experience was not cheap and really freaked me out. All I needed was eye drops. She should not be practicing medicine. Period.
RA I was nearly blackout drunk when a guy who had assaulted me multiple times before (but I still chose to hang around because I come from a family that denies trauma to cope) took me back to his quad. There was a mattress thrown out in the middle of the desk space. We started making out and then he whipped it out and forced my head down. I was so overwhelmed that I started having a full blown panic attack with hyperventilating and sobbing. He went to get an RA and she took me to her room to cool down. This should have been a medical amnesty case where I wasn’t reported for being drunk because I needed help. The RA didn’t tell me that she was going to report me. Student rights and responsibilities also wondered with me why I wasn’t given amnesty but I was still forced to go through the whole process and apologize for drinking underage. No one asked if there had been an assault even though they found me on a mattress, partly undressed.
Suicide Hi, I had a horrible time at Lewis and Clark and it was entire due to administration failure. I was sexually assaulted three times during my time there and there was no counseling available to me (too busy). I was not referred elsewhere. I dropped almost all of my classes due to assault-oriented trauma but my advisor at the time (Elliott Young) made literally zero effort to check in with me besides standard academic notice/warning protocol. My last semester there, before dropping out, I self harmed pretty badly (no support and no money for therapy in PDX at the time). When I told my professor/advisor Stephen Weeks that I was dropping out due to sexual assault/depression/suicidal ideation and failing grades, he didn’t ask me how he could help or if I was ok. He literally asked “but what will your acting partner do for their final?” Also, at some point there I experienced SEVERE abdominal pain that I thought could be appendicitis, Nurse (NURSE) told me to gargle salt water. and that I should lose weight. I ended up having to go to the ER. I was struggling for so long at this school and was never given a shadow of the help that I asked for. There was never any follow through. I felt absolutely worthless to admin and some professors. The only professor I had who really impressed me and felt like a real person was Jerry Harp—big shout out to him. I really strongly feel that LC doesn’t care about its students as a whole. You need to luck out and get caring professors but that’s definitely not guaranteed. I had no advocate there and I wasted 2.5 years of my life. Maybe two years later they had the nerve to call me to ask why I dropped out. That was basically the most anyone from there ever showed up for me. Too little too late.
nurse (NURSE) at some point there I experienced SEVERE abdominal pain that I thought could be appendicitis, Nurse (NURSE) told me to gargle salt water. and that I should lose weight. I ended up having to go to the ER. I was struggling for so long at this school and was never given a shadow of the help that I asked for. There was never any follow through. I felt absolutely worthless to admin and some professors. The only professor I had who really impressed me and felt like a real person was Jerry Harp—big shout out to him.
nurse (NURSE) I also wanted to share my bad experience with the student health center: I had strep 5 or 6 times my freshman year, so I was in there a lot. Just constantly sick. One of the times I went in for strep, (NURSE) prescribed me antibiotics only to call me a week later to say that testing had shown my strep to be viral and not bacterial and that I shouldn’t have taken the antibiotics. Being on antibiotics for so much of the year had a lasting negative impact on my gut health. I’ve had years of trying to fix my stomach bacteria and my doctor now thinks that antibiotic use was a major factor in developing SIBO & leaky gut, which has been very difficult to treat.
nurse (NURSE) i okay so i wanted to share about (NURSE) that in 2017 I believe I went to the health center to get tested for STDs. I actually did not have a terrible experience, she was constantly praising and thanking me for coming in to get tested. after hearing everyone’s stories it made me think about how if she can praise a cis straight white female (not sure if that had anything to do with it or what her creepy agenda is, but it could) and not others for doing the exact same thing is extremely concerning and i feel terrible for everyone who had awful experiences with her
My best friend and I were assaulted by the same person at basically the same time. This person was a member of a sports team at LC and was very well known. He would come into the weight room at the same time we’d be lifting and watch us the whole time (he wouldn’t even be working out, he would just sit in the weight room and watch). He would also follow us at parties and many times if he got close enough he would grope us or even try to put his hand under our clothes. I have since transferred from LC, but my best friend had to experience continued harassment from this person. Unfortunately we did not report any of these events due to social pressures bc this person was a prominent member of one of LC sports teams. Also forgot to add, this person exposed himself to both my best friend and I at a basketball party.
I never reported the borderline assault I experienced at LC for my own reasons so this doesn’t necessarily have to do with the admin but I remain horrified at the LC culture surrounding these topics. In my year alone there were at least 3 people who were known to have assaulted others on campus. I can think of one person in particular who no one stood up to even though it was an “open secret” that he had assaulted multiple people. A group of people protected him because they thought he was cool and would excuse his behavior, saying he was “just a little off”. I’m sure that part of why 19 year old me never said anything about my assault is because I watched my peers, including women, protect r*apists and choose to turn a blind eye. Absolutely disgusting.
My sophomore year at LC there was this creepy older guy (26 yet somehow allowed to live in the same dorm as teenage girls) that would always ask me personal questions around campus. I largely just shrugged it off, but one night at a party he kept coming on to me and getting way too close, kinda pushing me into a wall. Eventually he got really angry with me and demanded I justify why I didn’t want to talk to him. I told him I was just trying to spend time with my girlfriend and gestured to them. He was immediately disgusted and left me alone. Later that night at the same party group of his friends called him over and pointed at my (at this point very drunk) girlfriend dancing and said “what about her” “she’s good” and stuff like that. They called my gf over and asked what dorm they lived in. I then heard him say “no no she’s a lesbian, she’s a lesbian.” And they left them alone. Flash forward a semester and one of my friends mentions this guy is starting to make her uncomfortable, giving her gifts and cornering her off so I told her everything that happened. At that point my roommate turns around and said “he once pushed me into his room and started kissing me even though I told him I wasn’t okay with it.” Turns out we all had terrible experiences with this guy, but were too scared to say anything cause we saw him with administrators walking around campus all the time and he was so entangled with the people we would have reported it to. My roommate sought advise from an LC admin, but they said he was so close to graduating (a semester) , and it was especially complicated by his international status that it wouldn’t be worth the pain and trouble of filing So we all just waited until he graduated.
I filed a title IX report against a guy at the end of first semester, and at the beginning of spring semester he was in one of my classes and no one told me beforehand
I was feeling pretty heartbroken my entire junior year and kind of went off the wall with partying and mindless hookups. One night I brought a boy back and things started off great. As the night went on, he choked me, slammed me into a wall, and proceeded to try to shove himself inside me. I pushed slapped and scratched but he only stopped when I said “if you don’t stop then you will rape me”. I felt so guilty about stopping things when I had started them that I straight up GOT HIM AN UBER HOME, that’s how much I was gaslighting myself. The next day I showed a couple of my guy friends the bruises and they all suggested I go to the school, but the year before I was a witness to how title IX cases were handled when I was harassed by my friends abuser and his lawyer day in and day out, as well as by the school to speak on behalf of both my friend and her abuser (yes, this was (SRR DIRECTOR). Why would I speak on the rapists behalf??). I saw what the case did to her mentally (she left LC) and I Didn’t want to go through the same thing for something I didn’t consider “as serious”. Later on during my senior year, one of my housemates dated my abuser because “her experiences were different than mine”. This meant I was now forced to hear about him, see him, etc regardless of school involvement. It made me less eager to talk to the school because if she didn’t believe me why would they. all of my girlfriends who I told about the situation all had similar experiences with the man (4+?) and how he did similar things to them, but the culture at LC both in the administration and in the student body (lack of education to students surrounding sexual assault/survivors) made me feel like complacency was better for me and my friends. The rift it caused between me and my housemate ended up being the end of their relationship. But for long after I was reminded about how it was my fault they broke up. His friends even bashed me to my friends the week before graduation a year later
I was assaulted by the same guy twice, once freshman year on campus and once junior year. Freshman year I reported it to my RA who told me he’d take it to ‘higher authority’ but literally nothing happened and I had to live across the hall from my rapist for 6 more months. By junior year I had heard enough second hand stories of shitty experiences reporting rape/assault that I didn’t report the second assault bc I knew nothing would happen besides a bunch of people forcing me to relive my trauma and blaming me for my assaults..
Former RA here. During my in person training before the Fall semester with all other RAs, my team was participating in a role play situation where an RA was supposed to be speaking with a sexual assault survivor. The ra who volunteered and participated in this situation said many victim blaming type things and was asking for personal details (something that our training says not to do) yet the AD and counseling center representative present did not step in or say that the RA had mishandled the situation or offer constructive criticism/improvement. They said "good job" and we moved onto the next situation. I was shocked, but was new and didn't speak up to my superiors. Also, SAPA training is not required for RAs. The last calendar year, only two RAs that I know of (there were possibly more) were currently SAPA certified. The RA training covered some basics of what the SAPA (sexual assault peer advocate) training did, but not in the depths that I feel we needed to know. ADs were comfortable sending us into situations without the full details (I learned that one of my residents was facing sexual assault investigations through a third party) but not giving us training or resources other than a list of phone numbers and the school counseling center.
First semester of sophomore year, I had to talk to (SRR DIRECTOR) during reading days because two of my best friends at the time reported me for being su*cidal even though I was actively in therapy and not at all at risk (they even reached out to my partner at the time to confirm this). I got an email from WIN, after the people that reported me had ghosted me for 2 weeks, saying WIN found a free space in my schedule (during reading days) and I HAD to come in. Instead of asking for my side of anything that had happened, (SRR DIRECTOR) literally quoted Radiohead and said “you do it to yourself, you do/and that’s why it really hurts.” After an extremely upsetting and triggering conversation that arguably made my mental health worse, he said all I needed was a form sent by WIN filled out by my therapist (on a Wednesday), & I informed him that as I would be going home & then abroad, I needed the form before my last therapy session (Monday) in Portland for ~6 months. He sent me the form a full week and a half after our meeting, after finals, when I was across the border into California. I couldn’t have my therapist fill it out remotely (some Oregon therapy law idk), my therapist in CA was long gone, & I had 11 days before I went abroad. After I left, I sought out a therapist in ANOTHER COUNTRY to fill out the form, but because it took longer than the deadline, I am now on “disciplinary probation” & I still have no idea what that means or how to solve it.Still wondering why someone with a masters in Art was counseling students experiencing depression (& reminder: I was fine until the meeting, & the lack of care in that office & inability to be heard made everything 1000x worse).
My sophomore year I was witness to a rape that occurred off campus between two lc students, the victim reported it and I testified as a witness. The counselors who were provided were accompanied by cops, and as part of my testimony I had to tell the story upwards of 10 times. afterward I was required to see an on campus therapist who told me she couldn’t relate to what I had been through and that it must be so horrible to go through. The victim had a rape kit that was never processed. The perpetrator wasn’t suspended. The victim dropped out. It was a horrible situation.
Nurse (NURSE), Health Center My freshman and sophomore year I was dealing with a lot of reproductive health issues and turned to the health center as the most convenient place to go - I’d already had other experiences with really inappropriate and painful pelvic exams so I was just along for the ride at that point. I think nurse (NURSE) probs means well but she told me I needed a pelvic exam every time I went in and would make me feel really horribly uncomfortable while doing it. Friends I’ve spoken with have had similar experiences - it’s hard to make a pelvic exam pleasant but hers made me feel absolutely gross
(SRR DIRECTOR), SRR My roommate my sophomore year was a total creep (I know at least a few of these stories on here are referring to him), but I didn’t find out about those until later. What I did know very well was the fact that he was dealing coke out of our room. This was in one of the ‘clean’ dorms, and as someone with a history with family members with substance issues, I was upset about it. I reported it to (SRR DIRECTOR), who informed me that the school knew about this student, and the substances he was dealing, but they thought it was ‘safer to be aware of situation’ than intervene. Also as a side note, I had to interact in class with (SRR DIRECTOR) on a regular basis, as he was part of the choir. A major part of the reason (along with the fact that we were constantly asked to perform racially insensitive material) that I dropped out of choir at Lc.
RA My senior year as an RA, one of my residents started having really uncomfortable encounters with another resident who was invading her space and crossing boundaries. She was very uncomfortable, and came to me needing help. Over the next few weeks, I spent a lot of time trying to support and obviously followed “protocol” through campus living to try and resolve the situation. Not only did campus living never entirely reach out to the perpetrator, they barely offered me or the resident advise for how to proceed. Not sure what to do, I took it upon myself to try and monitor where the perpetrator was and make sure he didn’t enter the side of the building where she was staying, which was such an overstretch of my role and left me anxious and exhausted, feeling like it was my personal responsibility to prevent something from happening. In the end, it was the victim who moved out of the dorm, leaving the community she has been building in our hall to avoid the perpetrator.
Nurse (NURSE), Health Center Nurse (NURSE) made me so uncomfortable! She used to “praise” me when I shared I was in a monogamous relationship and later when I told her I wasn’t currently sexually active. And she definitely overdid it with the pelvic exams. Ugh.
Nurse (NURSE) (NURSE)’s annual exams always left me feeling gross. She would constantly “compliment” everything from my body to my cervix to my breasts (yuck). Super unprofessional, and this is the overwhelming experience I heard from other people as well.
SSR, Threat My sophomore year, there was a student who would always look at me weirdly in a class that we took together, and one night culminated in him following me around at a show in templeton (anyone remember bad bad not good? We love a templeton concert lol). Anyway, that night I danced with my male friends and hid in the bathroom multiple times as I could tell he was following me. Fast forward a few months and I got an email from him that was sent not only to me, but also to (SRR DIRECTOR) Alhquist, Ana Gonzales, and my academic advisor who was also the professor that taught the class that we shared together. In the email, he wrote that he was done being nice, that he was going to teach this school a lesson, and then put a list of girls that he had “spared” because they were “either too drunk or too innocent.” I was the only name on the list that included maybe 5 names of students who was at the school, the rest had transferred or graduated. I had a panic attack in the bon upon reading the email (he worked there and I happened to be there when I opened the email). I didn’t feel safe on campus or going to class even. My dad sent me pepper spray. I as asked to go in and talk to student rights and responsibilities. (SRR DIRECTOR) made me recount the story and asked me a lot of intrusive questions without ever asking if I was okay. A few weeks later, I was contacted and told that the student was not on campus for the rest of the semester so I didn’t need to worry. I asked if he would be allowed to come back, and they said yes but that they would “let me know” if he did. It was honestly fucked up and traumatizing and I recognize and appreciate that it could have been worse, but that is NOT how students who are threatened with violence should be treated on any campus. Additionally, I knew so many female students at the time who were not surprised because they had also experienced harassment and/or assault with this specific student. It is a problem when students have to discover for themselves that someone is dangerous and actively harassing, assaulting, and threatening girls. The school knew about it and obviously did not care.
Study abroad, Rape I was raped when I was studying abroad, and, even though it was reported to LC, I was pretty much left to my own devices. The staff abroad was vastly underprepared for the situation, and LC did very little to offer any support at the time or upon my return to Portland. It seemed like because it happened in another country, it wasn't their problem. To their credit, they did offer some of the school's counseling sessions, but I was sort of put off by that from my previous experiences there. When I went in for suicide/self-harm during my sophomore year, my counselor just straight up started crying in the middle of my session, leaving me confused and feeling bad for sharing my trauma in the first place (with my counselor??????) Incompetence abound.
RA, Suicide When I was an RA I had to handle a suicide attempt of a close friend. There was barely any support given, the therapist basically told me that I was doing fine and should just get over it. She acted like it wasn’t a big deal at all. My AD checked in with me once or twice but basically had me jump back into duty the next day even though I was very hesitant. Also, there are private/temporary rooms in order to keep people safe and away from their abusers, but they aren’t used for that. Literally a football player got a safe room because his leg was broken within a day. They are almost never full, the administration is just lying about availability most of the time. They are literally meant as places to stay safe, but they are always empty.
Nurse (NURSE), Health Center Okay I didn’t even connect this until I saw this but she made me take a herpes test even though you don’t get tested for herpes unless you are actively having an outbreak. My test came back inconclusive and she basically told me I had to wait a couple months to get re tested. I was freaking out thinking I possibly had herpes not knowing that an inconclusive result is so common and basically doesn’t mean anything. During winter break, I went to planned parenthood to have them check me again. They were so nice and told me not to worry at all and that I should never have been given the test because I wasn’t having an outbreak! Ugh all of that stress for nothing.
Nurse (NURSE) I had no idea so many people had bad experiences with her. I myself had many unnecessary pelvic exams. On top of that she insisted that I have a Pap smear and took a HPV test without me asking. When the test results came back positive it caused immense stress. After graduation I went to Planned Parenthood for support and they told me I should not have been tested before I was 25. I also came to her with severe UTI symptoms at one point which she completely dismissed. She only paid attention when I came to her with symptoms that sent me to the hospital for a kidney infection. I never said anything because I was scared.
SSR, RA SRR is not designed to support student rights. it’s fucked that students seeking support, or students forced into the system, have to go through (SRR DIRECTOR)’s questioning, victim-blaming, and weird faux-therapy. Even as an RA they make it impossible to advocate for students or privacy, and your own emotional labor and mental stability is being taken advantage of by a department and an administration that prioritizes profit and cost over life. Rather than paying for licensed mental health resources, housing uses people who are dependent on them for housing and food. No two weeks of training can prepare a 19-yr old to be the first one on-scene for assault or someone experiencing suicidal ideation. An RA responding to one of those calls basically has two choices- try to handle it themselves, which they are inequipped to do, or call Campo or an Area Director, both of whom would automatically involve SRR, WIN, and sometimes even Portland police presence, who can actively endanger student lives. This is dangerous and not empowering to anyone; this system is fucked and broken and dependent on authority and policing. the demands in the letter are the least the college can do. Their endowment is huge regardless of their constant panic over current profits. They have the power and money to build a real culture, practice, and resource system for mental health support and reporting for their community. But instead they spend it on landscaping and a pretty bridge.
Athletics, IX I ended up dropping my case and trying to forget about it because apparently nothing could be done unless I wanted to lose my anonymity and personally confront the abusers (two popular members of a LC varsity sports team - one was a bystander). Also, when I reported my case and was following through with the Title XI coordinator she recommended I lead a bystander intervention training/talk for that particular sports team. She thought this would be appropriate because I was also on an varsity LC team and “didn’t seem that affected” by the incident. I was completely caught off guard and I stop pursing any action after that. Since when is it the survivors job to teach their abuser and their peers that sexual assault is not okay and how not to be a bystander!?
SSR I was struggling with alcoholism and I had a particularly hard day one day. I ended up in student rights and responsibilities talking with (SRR DIRECTOR). He threatened to throw me out of school if I didn’t go to the hospital that day. I left his office, and I had a formal case opened against me. (SRR DIRECTOR) is terrible, and he did very little to support the students he had so much power over.
At the beginning of my junior year a known abuser/rapist moved in to the on campus apartment above mine after a years suspension for assaulting a friend of mine at a party. He had been accused by at least 4 other women but had only been suspended for one year. I couldn’t believe they allowed him back and was scared to find out that he lived directly above me. Every night that semester he played loud music and stomped around until 4 am. I called the RAs but eventually they referred me to the AD because no matter how much they wrote him up, his behavior wouldn’t stop. The AD told me hed take care of it and for about a week the noise stopped but eventually started back up again like nothing had changed. When I went back to the AD, he treated me like I was annoying and told me to just “deal with it myself”. I explained that I was scared of the man who lived upstairs and did not feel safe going up alone at night to tell him and 5 of his drunk friends to be quiet. The AD (who fully knew about the accusations and the suspensions) told me it was out of his hands. I felt hopeless and could not sleep, it didn’t even stop during finals week. One night before my hardest final I just broke down due to the noise and went up stairs and knocked on the door. My friends abuser opened the door, five of his friends behind him and empty beer cans everywhere. He laughed at me, called me a slut, all while his friends laughed behind him yelling about all the things they’d do to me if they could. He reached out, grabbed my chest and then slammed the door. I reported the incident but the office said that the semester was basically over and he was graduating anyway so I shouldn’t worry. He still lives in Portland and I still see him around.
Pelvic Exam, Nurse (NURSE) Oml this happened to me. She gave me a pelvic exam that I didn’t ask for and told me I had hpv. She made it sound very scary and I left the health center in tears. I spent the whole semester feeling dirty and upset. When I finally plucked up the courage to talk to my dad about it (he is a doctor) he was shocked I’d been given a test for it since it’s so common in women my age... so basically I’d been freaked out for no reason. I also heard from a friend that her doctor actually REFUSED to give her a test for it bc it was just assumed that women our age had it....
I was assaulted on campus. When a counselor recommended I talk to (DIRECTOR FOR HEALTH PROMOTION) cause she was supposed to be the on campus expert on this. She basically told me I could report it or not and those were my only options and she couldn’t help me otherwise. This was less than a month after it happened so I was still coming to terms w it and was in no way ready to report it. Months later I eventually did. It was an awful and painful process. Even the final “trial” while virtual felt invasive and lacking empathy. My assaulter was found guilty and got the highest “sentence” which was a year suspension, 15hrs of community service and a 8page letter explains why what he did was wrong 🙃🙃🙃Eventually when he came back I was given no notice, confirmation, nothing. I had to email (SRR DIRECTOR) asking what measures were being put in place for my safety and even those were superficial considering I saw him all the time as he was frequently in my residence hall even though that was not allowed.
Title IX I have a few complaints about LC admin’s handling of r*pe and many LC students trying to play match maker without getting consent from both friends!! Freshmen year I was assaulted by the same guy twice bc he asked my friends about me and they told him to go for it even though I clearly communicated that I was not interested!!! He bit my neck and my face so hard that I had to walk around campus bruised and bleeding and all his friends and my former friends just laughed saying “I liked it rough.” One of my friends eventually caught on (the only one of that group I still talk to) and encouraged me to report it. I was so scared of his friends and what they were saying about me that I just requested we don’t get placed in any of the same classes. WE WERE SEATED NEXT TO EACH OTHER AT GRADUATION IN 2019, and (SRR DIRECTOR) was utterly incompetent for my entire interaction with him. Afterwards, I was in a horribly abusive relationship sophomore year where I was getting abused in every way possible. He was a senior and 24, and I was only 19. I started becoming suicidal and seeing a therapist on campus (counseling department at LC was really amazing unlike the admin). I told my therapist about the sex acts I was being forced into, the constant verbal abuse, and that I was even getting hit at times, so my therapist encouraged me to leave the relationship and file a title IX case. I decided to consider it but when the WIN team got involved, they did almost nothing. They made me meet with someone to make sure I wasn’t suicidal and didn’t help me at all with concessions on school work or finding a way to get me away from the boy abusing me. I was doing really well in school prior to that relationship and then stopped going to class and dropped or failed almost every thing that semester because neither the WIN team provided me zero support. I decided to go through with the title IX case later, and (SRR DIRECTOR) said nothing could be done because the boy had graduated and he even borderline shamed me for not deciding to do it earlier.
Yeah just to add to the baseball thing, I think you and the other anonymous submission summed it up pretty well But I think what is most concerning to me now and something I didn’t question enough at the time, and appears to be a theme in the schools systematic approach to these issues, is that the school responded to the memes and the protest by investigating and accusing the people speaking out, rather than investigating the actual team. The memes calling out the sexual assault culture of the baseball team resonated with the broader student body. Comedy is based on reality and the school refused to recognize that. ALSO on the personal note of having this all happen our senior year, I felt unsafe after speaking out. Baseball players came up to me at a party and said “there’s blood in the water” and that their parents were trying to make it so I couldn’t graduate (kind of pathetic but still intimidating). And when I hosted an end of season party for my team, a group of baseball players showed up and tried to force a confrontation. After that was diffused, when I was literally going to bed that night, a male basketball player that was still at my house came into my room and drunkenly asked me repeatedly why I would do this “to his friends”. I’m grateful to my friends who were my incredible support system through all of this, because the school and the broader “athletic community” sure as hell wasn’t. That being said, there were female athletic directors at the time and even though I wasn’t super impressed by the concrete action they took, I did feel like they listened and cared about what other female student athletes and I said. One solution to this is having more diverse leadership.
Nurse (NURSE) I had a bad experience with Nurse (NURSE) when I went in to get birth control. I was a virgin and not in a relationship. She literally told me that maybe I should wait to have sex until I was in love with someone
Nurse (NURSE), assault after I was violently assaulted (off campus) I went to the health center to get checked out and (NURSE) called me to tell me I was STD free but then like two hours later she called me back and said she had been reading the wrong chart and actually I had chlamydia
SRR, medical amnesty policy I got too high one night and started to have an anxiety attack in my dorm room. my friend called the RA because she was worried and from what I remember the RA was really sweet about it+ helped me calm down. He did have to report it and I remember having to meet with (SRR DIRECTOR) and also take some sort of online course and quiz about substance use/abuse. I thought it was super weird and unnecessary for the situation at hand. I did not smoke frequently and it was a total fluke bad reaction to an edible. (SRR DIRECTOR) made me feel guilty and was pretty demanding taking this course/understanding the harms of substance use. TW self harm: 
Additionally, a few weeks later (SRR DIRECTOR) was notified that I was had done some minor self-harm (I cant remember who reported it). It was during finals week and I was under a lot of stress (school was never my jam) and on top of it I came out as transgender a few weeks before and was really distressed emotionally and was dealing with a lot of change/worry. (SRR DIRECTOR) reached out and was again, so demanding throughout the whole process. I had been in loose contact with a counselor on campus that semester but didnt feel like it was that helpful to me. (SRR DIRECTOR) encouraged me to reach out to them about what was going on. I was slow on responding to his email/correspondence letter (middle of finals week) and he emailed me a week after about having not heard back about connecting with the counselor. By the time I responded It was mid may and I was home for the summer. I told him I had not gotten around to contacting the school counselor because of finals. I assured him that my mom was helping me find a counselor. He then noted that in order to consider our plan “complete” I must seek counseling and requested that I send him verification once I had an appointment with a new provider. I was living halfway across the country at that point and was confused about why he was so insistent that I see a counselor especially while not living on campus. He emailed me 3 times after my initial reply, asking me when I would have it taken care of. I did not at any point want or need (SRR DIRECTOR)’s help, and looking back, it is interesting to see how capable they were of following through on my case, but seem to be so unconcerned with following thru on so many cases where ppl really needed help and support.
assault, rape culture I never reported the borderline assault I experienced at LC for my own reasons so this doesn’t necessarily have to do with the admin but I remain horrified at the LC culture surrounding these topics. In my year alone there were at least 3 people who were known to have assaulted others on campus. I can think of one person in particular who no one stood up to even though it was an “open secret” that he had assaulted multiple people. A group of people protected him because they thought he was cool and would excuse his behavior, saying he was “just a little off”. I’m sure that part of why 19 year old me never said anything about my assault is because I watched my peers, including women, protect r*apists and choose to turn a blind eye. Absolutely disgusting.
assault, rape culture, SRR I’ll add to the stories about how awful Lc is! I was sexually assaulted my first night at LC as a first year, and twice my sophomore year. Not only was the counseling and admin awful about it, all three of these people had a lot of social clout and were protected by their friends. That I know of, one of them has assaulted or raped multiple other women and was abusive to his partners and one would verbally and physically intimidate at parties to remind me “not to tell anyone.” He later physically assaulted his girlfriend and still is friends with pretty much everyone 🙃 The culture at Lc is one where folks with social status basically get away with terrible behavior, assault, and rape and will never get any consequences from either their friends or the administration.
Nurse (NURSE) Nurse (NURSE) convinced my friend that she needed a cervical cancer screening that was totally unnecessary. Just another example of all of the overreaction and Mis-diagnosis she has done. This was at least 7 yrs ago.
SRR, athletics, tennis, roofied I was roofied at a tennis team party before fall ball. I woke up the next morning in the hospital with amnesia about the night (thankfully I was not assaulted on this occasion). I reported this incident and spoke with the administration about my experience. I let them know that the last thing i remember was talking to a player on the team about how he was politically moderate because he “couldnt relate to women or minorities”. I pointed this student out on a roster and let the administration know he might have been involved (i knew i had been roofied at the party). I received an email from (SRR DIRECTOR) saying they interviewed the guy and he denied everything, so there was nothing else they could do. (SRR DIRECTOR) also let me know that the guy wanted to speak with me in person. I said i was not interested in that, and i never heard from (SRR DIRECTOR) ever again. Two weeks later, another girl was roofied at a tennis party and i’m sure there were more i didn’t know about.
threat, study abroad I had a roommate threaten to stab me and my RA said there was nothing to do, i was sexually assaulted by someone freshman year and felt like i couldn’t report it, and my study abroad professor was constantly sloppily drunk and harassed the girls on our trip.
counseling service My freshman year I saw a therapist in the counseling office. It took a lot to get through difficult issues and I only began to feel comfortable with him towards the end of the year, at which point he told me that he was a grad student and would be moving on after that year. I was so upset that I hadn’t been given any prior notice that this was a short term counselor from the grad school. I wouldn’t have wasted my time had I known, but would have found someone in Portland I could see all 4 years instead. I never went back to LC’s counseling office.
rape, administration failure, assault While I was at work we received an email from a student asking us for help (and there were other offices cc’d as well) because they had been r*ped. I could see the chain of replies and they were all pretty blasé and unhelpful. I was extremely concerned and asked my boss about it and I was told to just “delete it”. My coworker (also a student) who also read the email told me they believed the student was lying about the r*pe. I didn’t hear any updates about it and I hope that person got the help they needed.
rape, assault, SRR I’ve never had an experience myself but I knew a guy in my E&D class who had raped or sexually assaulted at least 5 different women and physically assaulted his roommate (whom I was friends with and who transferred because of it), and every time a woman would talk in that class he would look them up and down in the creepiest way. All of these people filed reports and LC did basically nothing, to the point that people put up posters in SOA (where he lived) calling him out and warning people about him. The guy was allowed to finish the semester, then disappeared for the next semester (I assume a suspension) but is back again as of last term. It makes me so uncomfortable to see him on campus and I wasn’t even personally a victim so I can’t imagine how they feel. This is not my story so it’s only what I’ve heard, but I fully believe the people who confided in me about this so I figured I’d share.
SRR I don’t know if it’s too late to include my story, but i’ll just send it anyway. my sophomore year there was an impromptu room search in my room while i was in class. when i got home i noticed there was a slip on my bed saying i violated some code and was being penalized. when i went to look on my table, where i kept my meds, my heavy duty anxiety medication was gone. i had two different kinds of pills in one bottle. the bottle had my mother’s name on it because when i was prescribed these meds i wanted to consolidate them to one bottle and i had that one laying around. i now know it is completely illegal to possess pharmaceutical medicine that doesn’t belong to you. however when i went to srr for my three mandated meetings about this incident i explained the bottle belonged to my mother and they said “well if that was your mother’s why doesn’t she have the same last name as you?” ....which i’m just including to provide some information about how little they do to connect the dots in these situations. i said you could have checked any of my documents i’ve submitted to this institution or called her or asked me. when i explained i needed the medicine back because i had recently gone to emdr therapy and uncovered repressed memories of years of childhood sexual assault and having that medicine kept me stable and provided me with peace of mind that if i ever needed to calm down after panic i could take one and would be ok, they calmly explained they had flushed the medicine. i said um ok. and then had to go to meet with my AD Nikki Ludd. she was empathetic until i started hyperventilating and sobbing because it was the third time i had to explain my trauma in detail to someone i didn’t know because they told me it would help them understand what was going on. every time only to not be validated or understood. once i started having a panic attack she said “ok i sense this is too much you can go.” and just let me go to my room. i then received an email saying they had acted too hastily and were trying to get my meds back...?? but reminded me i had done something illegal and should count this instance as a learning moment for ME! oh and ps they never gave me my meds back. and never responded to my emails when i asked about it.
Nurse (NURSE), unwanted pelvic exam My freshman year I went in to get birth control from nurse (NURSE). She told me I would need a pelvic exam. I thought this was really weird, because I'd been prescribed birth control before by a couple different doctors who didn't do a pelvic exam. I also had scheduled the appt. in a break between classes so I didnt have a lot of time. So anyway I said "No." And she went on and on trying to like guilt me in a weird way. So then I was like, "So you're not going to prescribe me birth control?" And so she gave in and was like okay at least let me do a breast exam, so I let her and it was really awkward and she like made a moaning noise and talked about how nice my breasts were. I left and felt super uncomfortable and weird. Ended up skipping my next class that I had been worried about being late to cause I just felt sort of violated.
Title IX, SRR I know of one student with rape accusations from 4 separate people who still goes to LC, despite those people following the Title IX process. Guess what... he's rich and white! Also, here's something that goes largely unnoticed -- RAs commonly encounter and are asked to "handle" situations that they are in no way qualified to and were promised that they would have adequate resources for. This includes active sexual assault and suicide incidents. They're also asked to execute WIN checkups, which commonly cause extremely confidential information to get leaked as they seek help from other students and faculty in the aftermath. Why do we have ADs and other resources if these extremely traumatic situations are delegated to RAs? I want to clarify that these complaints are actually raised by the RAs themselves! This is in no way an insult to them!
Nurse (NURSE), STI shaming To add to the pile of (NURSE) stories, when I (cis-man) went in to get treated for an STI, she was extremely apologetic for the fact that the girl I slept with was infected and in her words "a dirty, dirty girl". Several of my cis-women friends without Instagram have also reported uncomfortable and unnecessary pelvic exams / comments on their sexual health and reproductive anatomy, so we can assume there are /even more/ stories than we're seeing here.
rape, FORMER PROVOST I want to add my voice to this individual’s. I also started the process of making a Title IX complaint about this same professor in the IA dept for incidents that were similar though not the same. I was in contact with (ASSOCIATE DEAN AND PROFESSOR) instead of (FORMER PROVOST), but much of my experience lines up. I was lucky enough to have the head of the IA dept at the time at my back through this whole process, which I believed made (ASSOCIATE DEAN AND PROFESSOR) treat me slightly more conscientiously than other students who have made Title IX complaints seem to have been. (ASSOCIATE DEAN AND PROFESSOR) was great in that she made my options very clear, and that she thought this prof’s actions were inappropriate. But she also made it pretty clear without actually saying it outright that despite the bulk of my complaints being made up of emails that I had archived that could easily be used as hard evidence, that the process to formally complain would be long and arduous, that he would know my name and why I complained against him, and ultimately that probably nothing would come of it. I was an underclassman at the time and was seriously concerned any clash with this prof would impact my academic options and opps to join extracurriculars associated w the department. I also asked outright if anyone else had made complaints about this particular prof - though she got around it by saying she wasn’t able to comment, her body language made it *very* clear that’s wasn’t the case. And much like the other person who wrote in, in the years since it’s become so obvious that this is a pattern of behavior for this man, and that his making young female students uncomfortable is an open and accepted secret in the dept All of this is to confirm what basically everyone else is saying. LC has LC’s back, it’s a business that cares about students second, and they want to retain their reputation, whether that be through sweeping sexual assault cases between students under the rug/delaying them for years or by non-actively discouraging students from reporting profs/sharing stories about their experiences with what amounts to a creepy man The final thing to come of this: (ASSOCIATE DEAN AND PROFESSOR) “had a conversation” with the prof - not going to quote directly in case of legal issues - that amounted to him being apologetic and open to feedback, and “hopefully” this kind of behavior would be avoided in the future. THAT’S IT.
Nurse (NURSE) It has been incredibly validating (& sad & horrifying) to hear about others experiences with her. I always thought my experiences (including one of her fingers up my asshole for no good reason and consistant comments about my weight and how she wanted to fatten me up) were flukes.
TITLE IX, SRR DIRECTOR Hi, I have a story to share. Listening to Ella’s video brought up a lot of memories from when I filed a title IX report. I had a boyfriend who started making me feel unsafe by doing things like physically barring me from leaving the room at times. I didn’t know it at the time but he was also emotionally abusive and isolating me. I knew nothing about emotional abuse so I didn’t even have the words to explain to friends what was happening. He continued to pressure me to get back together with him for months, even signing up for a class required for my major and not at all related to his so he could stay close to me. After months of this, I started to have panic attacks anytime he tried to contact me, but I didn’t know what they were. I asked him to stop contacting me, but instead he continued to. After blocking him, he continued to try to contact me through friends and other ways. I eventually confided in a staff member who recommended I speak to Melissa Osmond about filing a case... I did, and even as an RA I was dismayed to find that (SRR DIRECTOR) was in charge of it. I always felt he acted like he disliked me, and throughout the process he didn’t hear or believe what I said, essentially gaslighting me into doubting myself over time. A team of “investigators” gathered every bit of information about us from the day we met, which ended up mostly consisting of private texts from when we had been together doctored to make my character look bad. I read transcripts of the interviews and he and a friend, his “witness” dragged me in their interviews and created a full alternate reality where he was instead my victim. The one friend who I had been able to talk to about the abuse had been traumatized by being a witness for another friend’s case, and couldn’t fully support me as a result. Before the hearing, the investigators recommended he be found “not guilty” and thought that he had done nothing wrong.... It took me writing a speech for the hearing that was five pages single spaced about how his behavior had harmed me and sobbing the entire time I read it to them for them to finally believe me. His punishment was a short essay, and I still saw him around campus even after he graduated. But also I want to say— Melissa Osmond was almost my only full supporter through this and I could not have done it without her. The investigation and gaslighting were brutal and took about 5 months and greatly magnified an already massive source of trauma for me.
Nurse (NURSE) I also had an awful encounter with nurse (NURSE). I went to student health services for something completely unrelated, and she insisted on giving me a breast exam. I thought it was normal how uncomfortable I felt, but after having multiple breast exams since then, I know it was NOT NORMAL, and super inappropriate. She also made weird comments about my body the whole time and hugged me as I was leaving. Also gave me no actually medical care for the thing I was there for! Also thank you to the person who shared about reporting to the nurse board. For those concerned like I was, there’s an option to report anonymously. Hopefully with enough of us reporting she will no longer be able to practice medicine. I want to add/clarify, this and many of the other stories are not just awful healthcare, but SEXUAL ASSAULT. Based on what I’ve seen in your stories, she’s using her position as a “medical professional” to prey on young people who often don’t know how gynecological exams should be conducted. It’s such a disgusting abuse of power.
My freshman year I got in trouble for letting someone with beer into their dorm building with my swipe card. Not only did I get written up for having alcohol underage, but the RA who wrote me up lied and wrote in the report that I “threw a full beer can at him.” He did not accuse me of this in front of the two campus police who were also present that night, it was only written in the report that I got almost a week later. When I had to meet with (SRR DIRECTOR), I brought up that it was completely fabricated and that I had 2 witnesses that saw the entire interaction and knew that it didn’t happen. I was gaslit and told over and over that I must have done that and I deserved to be in trouble. I fought the case and appealed to the point where it took almost 4 months to resolve. I still lost even though they had absolutely no evidence. I felt crazy, like a criminal & a liar, and I didn’t even do anything wrong. They made me apologize in person to the RA who put me through all of that. Flash forward to junior year when I was sexually assaulted/r*ped by two different people on campus, I didn’t even think about reporting it. Due to my prior experience with SRR, and primarily (SRR DIRECTOR), I was certain that they wouldn’t believe me, wouldn’t respect me, and wouldn’t help me. It’s harrowing knowing how many people have been put in situations like this by LC administration, and how many r*pists go unchecked on campus because people don’t feel that they will be supported if they come forward.
(RE: IA Professor) I had extremely uncomfortable interactions with him to the point where I had to switch advisors. I would never wear low cut/revealing outfits if I knew that I had to see him because he was SO creepy. During my years of speaking about his behavior, multiple women told me stories of him being inappropriate towards them (saying/emailing suggestive things, touching thighs behind closed office doors, etc).
RA training, RA, sexual assault I was an RA my senior year, and I had been sexually assaulted by another RA. I never felt comfortable enough to report it and I struggled every time we had our staff meetings. I got extremely depressed and failed a classes. I fell behind in my RA work, but my AD at the time never asked me what was going on or checked in with me. They would only get upset that I wasn’t getting my monthly hall meeting debrief form in. I just really didn’t know how to tell my AD, and I don’t remember much if any training on what to do if it was a fellow RA or one of the lead RAs. I just shut down.
(RHMS PROFESSOR) so I can speak to the inverse (?) of the (RHMS PROFESSOR) situation, in that I was a masculine presenting woman in his intro class my freshman year. He was SUPER complimentary to me and constantly praised my writing and comments in class, to the point that I didn’t realize that he was treating feminine presenting students poorly until a group project where I got the best grade out of a group of all girls for no obvious reason. I felt horrible for not picking up on it, but it was... idk, more loaded than just treating woman students poorly? Not sure if that’s the right word, but he literally just hates feminine presenting people. THEN I went in to talk to him about the grades and he 1) blew me off and 2) tried to recruit me into RHMS. I was literally just an 18 year old girl who had no idea what she was up against. Pretty fucked up on all accords. Not sure if it helps but at least it’s more evidence in people’s corner.
RA, RA training, medical amnesty This is the medical amnesty policy from the LC website. There seems to be a lot of caveats to it. I remember during RA training they were super vague about it and said things like "the student's well-being is the number one priority" without ever making it clear whether or not the student could get in trouble for seeking help while under the influence
(RHMS PROFESSOR) (RHMS PROFESSOR) is a sexist manchild who holds bitter feelings towards most of the femmes in his classes. When I took his class he told me I needed to “act smarter” and made me feel like everything I said was wrong. Most of the female identifying people I knew in his class shared that most of the time they would choose not to talk in class because they knew (RHMS PROFESSOR) would belittle them. He has brought me to tears multiple times and I hate hate hate that he’s department chair because of his complete lack of empathy. Fuck this dude.
studen support services, disabled students The student support services office (disabled student support) told my friend, after her teachers wouldn't give accommodations for classes, that maybe she did not belong at college I also know a story about a guy who was so handsy at a party (touching femmes without their permission), that the people at the party put shoes on his hands so he would stop touching women inappropriately. For a while it was treated as this "funny rumor", but I remember hearing about it for the first time and feeling completely nauseated.
campus living, sexual harrassment My freshman year I experienced sexual harassment. A complete stranger was staying in the dorm room unannounced and watching me wake-up and followed me into the showers at 6am and stripped in front of me. I remember I couldn't change in my room because he was staying in there without my consent. And at times I had to wait it out to shower because I didnt want to be near him. LC did nothing, BART concluded nothing wrong happened. He didn't even live in the dorm building I was in! I thought Campus Living had a strict policy of who could stay the night...? This stranger was there nearly everyday. It was awful seeing him around campus and waking up to some stranger watching me. I've never been so frightened. After reporting the incident I still was terrified. What a way to start off the college experience as a first generation student. Pretty traumatic if you ask me. To hell with LC and (LAW PROFESSOR)!
hook up culture, rape culture CW: Sexual Assault. I had doubts about telling my own story because I did not deal with the administration in any way but I think it’s pretty telling of the general school of thought around sexual assault and sexual aggression within hook up culture at LC. my freshmen year i was pretty unaware of the range of sexual assault and how to take care of myself and look out for myself. Not an excuse for what happened at all either way. One night, I was coming back from a party and an acquaintance decided to walk me back. I was pretty tipsy but not drunk or in any way incapacitated. Anyway, we got to my dorm and I thanked him for walking me back and started to close the door. He stopped me from closing the door and said ‘that’s all I get?’. I didn’t say anything as I was stunned. He proceeded to force a kiss onto me and I mumbled ‘no’. I tried to push him off with my arms but his arms were around my body. He finally got the fucking hint and left. The whole thing left me feeling gross but I made a point of forgetting it and trying to push it in the back of my brain. I feel like I didn’t look out for myself as much back then so I definitely just labeled it as an uncomfortable hook up. I feel like I had a variety of hook ups that were less outwardly aggressive but still in that same vein- lack of consent and assumption of sex. I think it’s really telling of what hook up culture is like at LC. I’m not against hook up culture at all; but I am against rape culture and at LC, it seems like they become one and the same. Years later, I got a message from the same guy apologizing for his behavior and understanding if I did not want to respond but was grateful if I even just read his apology. I appreciated that he gave me space and an apology but that is the LEAST that needs to be done. the bare minimum.
(RHMS PROFESSOR) consistently asked femme summer interns to have their “meetings” in bars instead of idk his office or something. heard that from a friend tho so can’t speak to direct experience.
(RHMS PROFESSOR) Going off of this I never experienced (RHMS PROFESSOR)’s sexism first hand because as a sophomore I was warned by a senior woman not to take a class from him if I could avoid it. I spent the next three years actively avoiding him in the department, taking classes I was less interested in rather than be in a class with him as the professor. When it came time for me to get my graduation application signed he said something along the lines of “why haven’t I had you in class? Have you been avoiding me? I can’t say I blame you.” He knows he’s a sexist ass and prides himself on i
Title IX I ended up dropping my case and trying to forget about it because apparently nothing could be done unless I wanted to lose my anonymity and personally confront the abusers (two popular members of a LC varsity sports team - one was a bystander). Also, when I reported my case and was following through with the Title XI coordinator she recommended I lead a bystander intervention training/talk for that particular sports team. She thought this would be appropriate because I was also on an varsity LC team and “didn’t seem that affected” by the incident. I was completely caught off guard and I stop pursing any action after that. Since when is it the survivors job to teach their abuser and their peers that sexual assault is not okay and how not to be a bystander!?
still true!! broke my leg (2019) & had to withdraw for the semester bc i was in a wheelchair after surgery & they refused to accommodate me at all!! (ironically enough one of my requests was to do school online from home & facetime in 🙃🙃
Nurse (NURSE) I had gone in for a women's health and was highly uncomfortable with my interactions and experiences with (NURSE). In a later conversation with a friend who hadn't received any women's health exams elsewhere, I had to explain that the experience should not be super painful or uncomfortable. I also went to see the health center for a rash on my hand and after I specifically told her that touching it was uncomfortable, she had me sit as she basically held my hand and stroked it for a few minutes. She prescribed a medication for it, but a four days later I received a call where she yelled at me NOT to take the medication.
RA, theatre department As an RA this is totally true! Just wanted to verify that we are commonly asked to address situations (sexual assault survivors, suicidal students, etc) that we are NOT TRAINED FOR. We are given a week of training at the beginning of the year, often by staff that deliver information in triggering or misinformed ways, and the system needs to change. I loved my staff team and my AD, but campus living needs to figure their shit out in a lot of ways. I'd also like to talk about my sexual harassment experience one sec I'm a theatre major and as many womxn/femme people in theatre will tell you, it is often a sexist and dangerous environment. My story is by far one of the most tame instances. A senior (now graduated) would constantly invade my personal space during class and rehearsal, make sexual comments, touch me unnecessarily when we were talking, invite me to multiple parties after I repeatedly declined bc I didn't feel safe around him, etc. I didn't report because I knew my professors wouldn't do anything about it. I'd had multiple friends report much more serious instances of sexual assault to the male professors (specifically Stephen Weeks) and nothing was done about it. There are at least 4 abusers I can think of in the theatre department alone, and they've never been barred from participating in productions or received any sort of punishment. The survivors that have come forward have not been protected at all from their abusers.
counseling center, IA I wanted to echo what some have written about with regards to a certain IA professor. It is without a doubt an open secret in the IA department that he interacts in a weird and creepy way with his female students and that several students have filed complaints with little has been done. I switched out of being an IA major with him as my advisor after only one year and consciously tried to avoid him as much as possible after that. I also want to comment on LC’s counseling department. I was diagnosed with depression and anxiety my freshman year and was only given a list of therapists in the area with no support in which had my insurance/how to reach out etc. My primary care doctor specifically told me to avoid going to the counseling department at LC because of their reputation and the use of grad students in lieu of licensed counselors. No one explained to me that it does take some work to find a therapist who is a good match for you The first one I was referred to was pretty awful and I ended up not getting therapy during all of my time at LC. In contrast, in my first year of grad school the counseling department set me up with a case manager who sat down with me, listened to what I was struggling with and compiled a list of therapists who she thought would be a good match for me and explained her reasons for each one. She continued to follow up with me to make sure I made an appointment and even offered to let me use her office to make sure I made the calls. The institution I’m at now also has huge issues surrounding mental health but I’ve been really lucky to have a good experience with it because they are properly funded and trained. I remember when I was still at LC (graduated ‘19) they were facing severe budget cuts...
health center, codeine oh ya I just remembered that one time my friend came back from the health center with a HUGE bottle of codeine. (also it was no a common thing to prescribe for what she was feeling) She got minimal instructions and probably ended up taking too much that night. Not sure who see saw at health center but not good
health center, pelvic exam, counseling center Wait wtf I think this happened to me too. It was so long ago I barely remember & don’t know who the nurse was but freshman year I went in for a UTI/birth control questions and I’m pretty sure I wound up getting a pelvic exam ? Which makes zero sense ? Totally gaslighting myself even as I’m writing this but the fact that it’s happened to other people makes me think I’m not losing my mind.. In addition to unnecessary pelvic exams, the health center and the counseling center are just a mess in general. I had the flu really badly freshman year, and the health center sent me home with a HALF USED thing of vapor rub and a ziploc bag of salt to gargle. She also pulled out some netty pot catalog and tried to convince me to buy one for like 15 minutes...After that I started just going to urgent care because I lost all faith in LCs health center. Around the same time I was also having really intense panic attacks and started seeing a counselor in Templeton. One time I had a major breakdown and was afraid I was dying or that I might hurt myself so I called the ‘hotline’ that they tell you to call outside of business hours and they basically just told me I could go to the emergency room if I wanted (which obviously made everything 100x worse and duh no I can’t I’m a freshman and have no transportation?!) and then after I was hysterically crying they told me my time was up and hung up on me. The next day they called me and said I had to come in for an ‘emergency appointment’, but instead of offering support the counselor basically just asked me a few screener questions and didn’t seem to register that reliving the experience from the night before was upsetting me all over again.
administration failure, sexual assault, the bon TW assault, predatory behavior. I was talking about this with my therapist and broke down sobbing thinking about all of the ways I felt failed from protection by LC. My assaulter worked in the bon and I started getting so anxious around meal times that I would have to see him and just would completely avoid the area where he was serving food. We talked about how the school allowing him to keep that job even after I filed a complaint make it difficult for me to do the most basic thing I needed to do to take care of myself: eat. She pointed out that he probably also used that platform (working in the bon) to prey upon younger women. I then realized that she was spot on. I met him in the bon and he had likely been preying on many many people. Otherwise i never would have crossed paths with him. I learned that this was true. Many people fell victim to this type of predatory behavior in what should be a safe place the ONLY CAFETERIA ON CAMPUS!!!!! Anyways, is this happened to you
mental health, counseling services I left lc after freshman year because I felt my mental health severely declining and knew from others that the on campus counseling system was failing students with mental health issues. Also had negative experiences with student health repeatedly. Also I had a boy follow me to my dorm door after following someone else into Copeland after I had locked him out and he pounded on my door for an hour insisting that we “didn’t have to have sex.” Looking back, I didn’t share my experience because I knew it wouldn’t have been considered enough to file a report and I knew I would experience retaliation from my circle of peers who knew him well. LC does NOT provide a safe atmosphere for women at all let alone those who have experienced sexual assault or trauma. I still can’t even believe that they haven’t changed the name of this ridiculous school and I am so glad so many brave women are coming forward. For every story shared there’s more who are not comfortable sharing
SRR, campus living, Nurse (NURSE) When I was assaulted by an LC student, reporting did not even cross my mind as an option in no small part because an assaulter had recently been elected to one of the highest ASLC positions. I had been primed by horror stories of SRR, my own experience with (SRR DIRECTOR), and Campus Living (specifically Sandi Bottimiller keeping survivors in terrible situations) that it was so clear that LC couldn’t give a fuck about the well-being of survivors. Also, re: nurse (NURSE)- she prescribed me medication that created a really dangerous interaction with medication that I clearly told her I was taking. I even asked specifically about drug interactions and she didn’t even bother checking! I’m so lucky that I mentioned it to my parents, who told me to call my psychiatrist to double check, before i took the first dose since the interaction would have been incredibly dangerous.
medical amnesty policy wait yeah lc does not actually follow or value their medical amnesty policy at all. once i was smoking with some friends and one of the started having an insane panic attack, so we called a mental health hotline and they told us to call an ra, so we did and they called campus security who reported us even though it 100% should’ve been covered my medical amnesty. i was so upset about it. my other friend and i tried so hard to fight it and talked to so many different people in srr, ra’s, etc. and no one could even fully explain to us when medical amnesty applies. it’s basically a fake bullshit policy they have to make people feel safer calling campo at this point
rape, sexual assault hey i’m gonna share an lc admin sucks story. during nso i went to a party and got extremely drunk. a guy ended up following me while i was trying to follow my friends and started being helpful at first. the night ended with him raping me. i was so drunk i couldn’t even walk without help, let alone consent. i was so traumatized i didn’t even register it as rape for a while, but by the time i did and i started reaching out to friends for support, i found out there were at least three other girls IN MY EXTENDED FRIEND GROUP who he’d do the same or worse to. all within like the first three months of college. by the time i decided i wanted to report, he had made the decision to transfer to a bigger party school 🙃🙃 I talked to a counselor at the school about it and they said there really wasn’t a point reporting since he was transferring at the semester. the case would take too long and since he wouldn’t be there anymore they couldn’t force him to comply with an investigation they also said that even if an investigation proved him guilty, since he would no longer be an lc student they couldn’t punish him at all they were so apathetic and uninterested in doing anything to stop his behavior, which was extremely concerning given that it was so prevalent and he was purposefully trying to find a more intense party environment where things like this happen more often and are swept under the rug
overseas department, study abroad, sexual assault survivor In one of our prep sessions for the 2013 semester in Siena, the prof leading the program would regularly tell us that the culture shock would be “violating”. I had disclosed in my app that I had PTSD from physical and sexual abuse..I and 2 peers were alarmed by this triggering and fearmongering language and asked him directly to try &be more sensitive. He didn’t, so we brought it up to the Overseas dept. Their response was to remove me from the program until I could demonstrate to their satisfaction that I was mentally/emotionally stable enough to study abroad. It took til the month before our trip was supposed to begin before I was told I was permitted to go, and I had to have multiple faculty advocate for me (thx Kim Brodkin). They also tried to REQUIRE me to see a therapist DURING the abroad program, and required a letter from a therapist attesting to my ability to handle a semester in another country. I was essentially put on trial to prove that I was “healed enough” from my trauma to study art in a country that’s comparably patriarchal and violent as the so-called US. I had to explain my trauma and everything I had done and currently do to cope with it in front of multiple panels of different LC administrators, multiple times. I was also made to complete a special questionnaire just for me with 15-20 prompts grilling me on all this as well. I was a co chair in the FSU and ran the office hours/SARA training for folks back then and this experience only drove the point home that LC makes life HELL for survivors.
for years I’ve tried to write articles for the paper about rampant harassment on campus, the way they handle the cases makes it nearly impossible for anyone to say anything. The cases are often “under review” or seeking resolution forever, even after they are done people aren’t allowed to talk. Specifically the “alleged” events are covered up by specific departments by people being scared into silence by others in the department . I think that they rely on keeping people quiet until they graduate, or until the alleged perpetrator(s) do, or by creating an environment where if you say something you let down other people in your department. I really can’t say anything other than department. It feels impossible to expose despite there being so many “alleged” victims and the same perpetrators.
counseling center As an LC grad who went on to become a therapist, I am horrified by all these accounts of therapists crying in sessions, destabilizing the client and generally being astronomically unhelpful. I had a bad experience at LC with a counselor and a female AD who wanted to meet with a small group of us after a frightening event involving fear for one of our friends’ life. The AD got us all in a room, introduced the therapist, and the therapist launched into a discussion about setting boundaries to avoid becoming overly stressed-out by life-threatening circumstances. Like wut. That is not the answer to this problem. I can’t remember exactly, but I think that therapist might have been a grad student in the Counseling Psych program at South Campus. It’s not unusual for grad students to do a practicum working in supervised clinician roles before graduation, and I wonder if the counseling center utilized a similar labor source. If so, they should be making that abundantly clear..
nurse (NURSE), pelvic exam I didn’t realize this was such a thing. Nurse (NURSE) closed her eyes when she gave me a breast exam and I didn’t find out until I started going to a real doctor after graduation that women in their 20s don’t need pelvic exams every year. She was doing them unnecessarily. And appearing to enjoy it???
suicide, RA one of my hall mates tried to kill herself my freshman year and my RA had to handle it. Campo eventually came but honestly only escalated the situation, causing the student to further panic. Myself and several other hallmates were present, one of whom found a note from the student. I was not ever asked if I was okay and I imagine none of my hallmates (mostly foreign language TAs) or RA were asked that either, let alone offered support. The focus, of course, should be on the student who needed to go to the hospital but I felt like there should have been some follow up? I was messaging my hallmates parents and her roommate on Facebook because the student had texted them goodbye and they were panicking. My poor RA broke down in tears once the paramedics took the student to the ER. Note- The student was okay after going to the hospital.
RA, peepholes As a 2-time RA, there’s some easy solutions to some of these problems on campus. Firstly when I was an RA for the all-ladies floor in Spruce, none of our doors had peep holes so we couldn’t see who knocked. I’m also pretty sure other dorms have that problem. I had a couple instances of a guy following me back to my dorm without my knowledge and knocking when he was really drunk. Thinking it was one of my girls I’d open it and he’d be there wanting to come in (we later had a big protest for him on campus when he was beaten up and I was frankly not surprised, because he had tried to either get into other girls rooms while intoxicated or take heavily intoxicated girls from the SOA common room back into his room). Security cameras in common areas or hallways are the best way you can check to see if those who swiped in actually let others in with them that don’t belong in that dorm or potentially in that dorm room. (So many people leave their doors unlocked throughout the day and come back to things being stolen or stuff rummaged through). Especially on move in/move out day, my own family had money stolen from their purses while they were helping me pack up, and one of my residents had all of their graduation money stolen from an envelope they had in their backpack that they set in the hallway while they were moving out. Also with the amount of car break ins that occurred my mind was blown over why we didn’t have better surveillance. People pay and arm and a leg to park their car on campus and live on campus so the school should do a much better job at making sure they can do it safely without physical harm or property damage. If we want the college to have more accountability in regards to sexual harassment or any sort of misconduct done to students, that second step of more security cameras would provide the some quality hard evidence. Students only real safe space tends to be their dorm rooms, so if that space is violated by another student or RA or anyone, we need something that can be referenced to verify that wrongdoing on behalf of the offended party.
pelvic exam I didn’t realize that getting pelvic exams before getting birth control weren’t normal until I read all of these posts. Any time I went in the get my prescription for the pill I had to have a pelvic exam. She also pressured me into getting STD tests even when I had told her I had only been with one partner, used protection, and had ruled out the possibility of STDs
RA, write ups I was an RA for two years and never wrote up any residents because it made me too nervous (made me feel like it would ruin my hall dynamic🥴) and I was terrible with confrontation. The write up aspect of the RA position really messes with the power dynamics between students and I don’t think it should fall on students to police eachother for sure.
RA, write ups I believe that RA’s should function as conduits to connecting students to the community and being someone that their residents can depend on. But it’s hard to want to depend on your RA when you feel as if they can get you in trouble for something that many college students do. Yes ofc they should be promoting safety, but the guidelines of an RA are hard to navigate, especially from person to person. Ik some RA’s are sticklers and they do act as if it’s a “policing” job and others are more understanding. So that dynamic already make it unfair. So all in all no I don’t think it should be the responsibility of an RA to be writing peers up. It totally contradicts what they want RA’s to be in a sense.
counseling center Appointments need to be available in a timely manner. Not the 2 month wait bullshit most of us experienced. When I was at my absolute low dealing with anxiety and depression the counseling department left me out in the cold for months. I was failing classes, isolating socially and all around miserable. When I finally got an appointment it was with a student counselor who gave me worksheets to do rather than give me an actual diagnosis and help. Terrible experience.
TCK, ISS, TITLE IX Hello, I’ve been quite hesitant to share my story, however, I feel that I should especially hearing everyone else’s experiences at LC. During my freshman year at LC, I participated in ISS/TCK orientation, which takes place about a week before normal NSO. During this time, a SENIOR boy, introduced himself immediately. Mind you, he was a part of the ISS/TCK orientation volunteer staff which is carefully selected by the ISS office admin. He then helped me move into my room and then promptly gave me his phone number and asked for my Instagram. Thinking that he had good intentions, I shared my information with him. However, I soon found out that this said senior boy is infamous in the ISS/TCK community for his fetishization of Asian women. Throughout the following weeks of orientation, he would call me at inappropriate times (2 or 3 AM), follow me around campus during orientation activities, and invite me to his room alone.When I asked an older student to tell him to stop for me (because I was genuinely afraid he would follow me to my dorm,) and requested that he re-examine his asian fetish, he told her “I won’t listen to you, until you listen to my perspective.” I then filed a TITLE XI. They told me the most they could do is have a “conversation with him.” They told me that they would email me if they ever had a conversation. I never received an email from the TITLE XI corrdiantor. This being said, I know that my story is not as serious as others however, he continued to be apart of ISS/TCK activities even after I filed this report.
counseling center, suicide I went to the counseling center my freshman year and one of the things we discussed was my grandpa dying. I never told her that he killed himself, he was old and sick, and she gave me a fucking handout for a support group for family members of people who died by suicide. Also, I talked to her about wanting to date and feel desirable, and she said “I would date you if I wasn’t married”
SSS I have so many stories about how terrible the student support office is at supporting students with chronic medical issues it took me 2 years to get accommodations because i am also undiagnosed even though i presented notes from 3 doctors saying i needed the accommodations then when i had multiple professors drop me from their classes after the add/drop because they didn’t feel like accepting my legally protected accommodations the office told me it was up to me to argue with the professors and offered no support when the professors told me i was lying about my illnesses just so i could skip class they also threatened to take away my accommodations multiple times because i wasn’t getting diagnosed fast enough for their liking the head of the office once compared her broken ankle to my 3 week hospitalization in which i almost lost my life three times and then told me i should just quit school until i don’t have medical issues (which shocker are chronic and i’ll have for the rest of my life) because her office doesn’t like dealing with the professors who are against accommodations that i NEEDED
health center, Nurse My freshman and sophomore year I was dealing with a lot of reproductive health issues and turned to the health center as the most convenient place to go - I’d already had other experiences with really inappropriate and painful pelvic exams so I was just along for the ride at that point. I think (Nurse) probably means well but she told me I needed a pelvic exam every time I went in and would make me feel really horribly uncomfortable while doing it. Friends I’ve spoken with have had similar experiences - it’s hard to make a pelvic exam pleasant but hers made me feel absolutely gross.
title IX So many of my friends were involved in TITLE IX cases and were so discouraged and doubted for telling their stories. Almost everyone I know is aware of an awful assault that went unchecked and an abuser unpunished walking freely on campus.
RA, medical amnesty There seems to be a lot of caveats to the medical amnesty policy. I remember during RA training they were super vague about it and said things like "the student's well-being is the number one priority" without ever making it clear whether or not the student could get in trouble for seeking help while under the influence.
PSI, rape The six week freshman success course (PSI) did a whole don’t get assault PSA and included stats about “completed rapes” whatever the hell that means and showed a graphic fictionalized photos of rape victims without a TW.
RA, suicide I've had to be a suicide watches for students in extremely vulnerable and high-risk mental states, I was told there weren’t any facilities able to help me that night. I was made to feel by leadership that it was my responsibility (as a student leader) to make sure the person didn’t do anything dangerous or harmful. That’s fucked.
nurse, health center I understand that this is much less traumatic than previous posts but I’d share my experience with (NURSE) as another account of her lack of professionalism in the work place. I made an appointment to get tested for strep my freshman year (I’ve had strep almost annually as a kid so I have a pretty good idea of what it feels like) and thought it would be nice to use the healthcare already provided in my tuition to take a simple strep test. (NURSE) refuses to test me despite showing symptoms and went on to ask me about my diet and if I’m physically active. When she found out that I was a gymnast and fairly flexible, she asked me if she could see some “tricks” as if I was some sort of show for her and not a sick patient trying to get the medical care that I needed. I immediately told her I had to leave and later went to zoom care to get tested- I had strep.
Campus living, RA, AD I've been reading all these RA stories and as a former RA I can say campus living was the most toxic environment I've ever been a part of. My AD was emotionally manipulative and I constantly had panic attacks after dealing with him on one-on-ones. There was no space for disagreement and there was a culture of other RA team members ratting you out for anything you said in an emotionally vulnerable state to your AD. I was punished for trying my best to resolve a tense medical situation with a friend who was not my resident and there were countless times I felt I had no support to deal with situations I was unprepared for. One night I went to the hospital with a resident who had alcohol poisoning and even though I was there till 6 am Monday morning I received no support from my AD when I asked for it and I ended up getting us a taxi back from the hospital in the morning. Campus living is a total shitshow and being an RA was the biggest mistake I made in college. I think medical amnesty was a huge factor when it came to reporting. I remember when I was an RA I had to "skirt the rules" to basically facilitate a place where my residents could come when they were too drunk or have friends bring them to me so i could take care of them without them being afraid of being written up. I used to send my bf at the time to parties so I wouldn't get in trouble for not reporting and then just have him tell me if there was someone in medical danger so I could help them without getting them in trouble. But definitely having a social worker on staff for residential life would be huge. Also like a students rights worker maybe? That didn't have affiliation with the college and could hear student stories and be honest with them about what resources they needed and how to navigate the system because its so complex. RAs definitely shouldn't have so much responsibility and i remember hearkng rumors about abusive RAs that were consistently rehired even when student life knew about their history. The vetting process was basically skewed towards picking people that would fall into line under the ADs and not make a fuss. It was like this crazy gaslighting pseudo-woke cultish organization. And some of the training was pretty traumatizing as well.
black students, economics professor, SSS When I was trying to withdrawal from (ECONOMICS PROFESSOR)'s class (because I was falling behind/depressed due to my grandma‘s recent cancer diagnosis) he refused my withdrawal request and made me go to SSS, which sent me BACK to (ECONOMICS PROFESSOR) and made me cry in his office. He kept asking why I wanted to withdrawal and made me keep retelling my story over and over again and then asked me why I waited so long to ask. I said I thought I could handle the class but I don’t think I can anymore and I don’t want it ruining my gpa, he said (something to the degree of) wrong answer, and I said the same thing again and he said no. And then, crying and hella frustrated, I said it’s because he was a privileged white man and I didn’t feel comfortable around him. And then he said right answer and finally signed my form. I’m glad I got to withdrawal but I literally fucking despise that man and my stomach curls seeming him around campus. LC doesn’t care about its black population nor does it protect their students from being taken advantage of.
counseling center, assault I was assaulted by a friend from home who was visiting me at school for a couple of days. After it happened, I urgently sought out support through the LC counseling center and they “squeezed me in” two weeks later for a preliminary session. After that session, it took another two weeks to place me with a counselor and when I met with them I had to retell the triggering story for the second time because the first person from the preliminary session had never relayed any notes or information about why i was visiting. After telling my story, the only thing that they asked me was if it had happened on campus (it didn’t) and if it was someone who went to school at or was affiliated with LC (he wasn’t). It seemed like there was no real interest in supporting me or helping me through the trauma, only making sure the incident wasn’t connected to LC. After my session, it was the last week of the semester and they said they could no longer help me. It was a really horrible and exhausting experience and I hope that some of the other people that had to go through a similar process are getting the care and support they deserve.
Former SRR Director, abuse, addiction, PTSD I was abused by my partner at LC who was an RA. He did seriously awful things like told someone at some point that he wanted to tell me to kill myself to see if I would and kept a journal of things he told me to purposefully upset me so he could write down my reaction. He also coerced me into certain sex acts and ignored withdrawal of consent during sex. I reported him to (FORMER SRR DIRECTOR), first for emotional abuse after we broke up, spring of my junior year and was not told I could file a report against him, only that the school could tell us not to talk/interact with each other. He was hired again as an RA for his senior year. Fall of my senior year I made the report about sexual assault. During the investigation they asked me really irrelevant questions like when I found out he had started dating someone new. They found him not responsible, but recommended he be fired as an RA. I didn’t appeal because I figured at least he wouldn’t be working with students who maybe came to him to report their assaults. He was not fired & I was subsequently told I couldn’t appeal anymore because the window had closed to do so, even though I didn’t appeal because I thought they’d follow through on that recommendation. The investigators also: refused to talk to anyone who wasn’t a mutual friend (or his girlfriend who didn’t even know me?) - meaning they refused to talk to anyone who Is actually talked to about the assaults - refused to talk to my therapist, and then made really sweeping general claims about my mental health, saying that my memory couldn’t be trusted because of my PTSD. I graduated and went on to develop an addiction because of the bullshit at LC. I overdosed at the end of 2016 and a great deal of the things that haunted me were related both to my abuse by him & the way that LC had handled it. I would have died from the overdose if not for some miraculous circumstances. I finally got the help I needed & I’ve been clean and my depression has been in remission for three years, but I still think frequently about all the people who said I was lying or doing it for attention or doing it because I was jealous he got a new girlfriend. This was in 2013-2014, when I reported the abuse to (FORMER SRR DIRECTOR) it was when he was still an AD. He rehired my abuser. For his own team. My abuser and (FORMER SRR DIRECTOR) I think in hindsight had a very close bond and I honestly think that a big part of what I went through was LC thinking 1) taking accountability for hiring a rapist and abuser as an RA, especially AFTER he had been reported and 2) the fact that my abuser was (FORMER SRR DIRECTOR)'s favorite, and an RA gave him immunity, and 3) they used my history of mental illness and poor coping skills as an escape hatch to just say I was making it up.
campus safety, panic attack Campus safety was called when I had a panic attack after class and after 2mins of trying to talk to me while I was clearly nonverbal and hyperventilating the head guy was clearly agitated and was like “that’s it I’m calling an ambulance” when there was no threat to my physical health at all. Only made things worse as I tried to explain to them basic mental health training using my phone’s notepad 😒
SRR, Campus Living, Wellness services, RA I was an RA for 3 years (free housing) and this post is spot-on. I could write an essay about how overworked and undertrained we were. We were taught which resources are available to students so we can make referrals. There are a lot of LC students struggling with mental health and I was trained to refer to the counseling center, which makes sense. I felt like I often could not do that in good faith because I knew about the long waiting lists for regular appointments and that drop-in hours could often be difficult to access if there was a high number of students waiting. There’s just soooo many structural problems with SRR/campus living/wellness services on campus and they’re all intertwined because of the way those offices work together.
Title IX i left after three semesters because of a horribly-handled sexual assault case many of my close friends and i were involved in regarding my roommate.