Take Action LC

What is Take Action LC?

In July of 2020, a brave Lewis & Clark alum came forward to share her story of the school administration's mishandling of her Title IX case. That video is available to watch here.

In the following week, more than a hundred stories and complaints were submitted anonymously to a popular Instagram page run by Lewis & Clark students. These stories address a wide range of concerns, including improper RA training, apparent lack of Title IX compliance, improper handling of sexual assault investigations, disturbing and unprofessional healthcare and mental health support, and many other unacceptable experiences.

The Take Action LC website serves as an ongoing public archive of these stories, and to provide resources to students and alumni who wish to help ensure that that meaningful changes are made at Lewis & Clark.

What Needs to Change?

TALC has come up with six core demands to address concerns raised by this movement:

  1. Adopt a survivor-centered transformative justice system
  2. Perpetrators of sexual assault must commit to an accountability program
  3. Open investigations of misconduct, malpractice, and abuse in the health center
  4. Provide expansive, accessible, and free trauma-informed therapy for students
  5. Hold Student Rights and Responsibilities (SRR) responsible for their negligence annd lack of transparency
  6. Provide appropriate training and ongoing support for RAs and ADs

Additional demands are stated in the petition addressed to the President, Vice Presidents, Deans, and Board of Trustees of Lewis & Clark College.

What Can You Do to Help?

The best way to help is for all of us to make our concerns known. The Voice Your Concerns page contains a list of people and organizations to contact regarding these events. If you’re not sure what to say, a helpful email template is also available. Please share these resources with your friends and encourage them to make their voices heard as well.

Add Your Story

All stories are submitted voluntarily and anonymously. If you have a story you'd like to submit, visit the Submission Page.